Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

"What? How large are the readings? What are you saying" "Sir, their overloading the systems! JOURDAN WATCH OUT!" Nolan rose behind Jourdan, A wall of flames behind him. Demons began streaming in behind him. "NOLAN! How dare you steal my power!" Nicole screamed at him. She looked back to where Mike and Steve were locked in midair, Hawaiian shirt powers lighting up the sky as reality bended around them. Nolan's Hawaiian shirt patterns were now real flames around him, his physical Hawaiian shirt gone. Nolan smiled for now he was melding the two powers. Burger, Robbie, and Scott looked at Nolan getting into their fighting positions. With a flick of his wrist Nolan summoned all that was the few hundred Demons left to the front of the Gabok, blocking the path of the oncoming corollas. They swung away firing into the crowd, regrouping into formation around the side. "Sir, too many demons, we can't get to the girl!" The voice crackled over Jourdan's communicator. Nolan turned slightly to look at Lee holding the unconscious girl in his arms. "Her power is mine, she ends now." He floated towards her. Jourdan swung in front of Lee. "NOO" Lee shouted as he desperately back peddled.
You feel the power around you as you slam into Mike, he is now just as strong as you. Your locked in midair, you pull back, pulling him around with you, he's off balance, you use his momentum and throw him as you slide, swinging him hard into the side of the Gabok. "MIKE" Nicole shouts to him. "For gods sake are you seeing this?! Nolan is going to kill the girl!" She pleaded to him. Mike looked, "I know full well what he will do, I've planned for this." "But what about the girl?!" "She doesn't matter, let him have his way" Nicole ran to where Mike now stood. You stop for a split second to look at Nolan as he heads towards the girl. You change directions to stop him. Mike's power holds you in place.
Robbie, Burger, and Scott join Jourdan as she stands between the cop and Nolan. Jourdan yells to Derek and Dustin as Derek limps Dustin towards them. "Dustin how far can you warp in your state?" Dustin looks up "Ah, ah… I dunno, not far, I canna eben stand.." She pulled her communicator close to her. "Corrollas pull around the east side of the Gabok, do not engage. Stay in eagle formation. On my mark, accelerate as hard as you can towards land-side." The static clicked for a second then President Farr's voice came on. "I understand Jourdan, we have your back, on your mark." "Jourdan didn't seem to acknowledge but looked to Dustin anyways. "Dustin I need you to warp the girl and the cop to the center Corolla on my mark can you do that Dustin?" "I dunna, I dunna, I Neba tried to hit a movin target beforh" "Dustin, you can do it, on my mark." "Ahh ah ok." Dustin grabbed onto the girl and Lee, Derek braced them. "Come on buddy." Derek whispered "3" Jourdan stated.

"MIKE WHO ARE YOU?" Nicole shouted at Mike, He had you caught, the only avenue you had was to come at him, opposite of Nolan. "DAMN IT MIKE" you scream. Mike looked to Nicole, intensity in his eyes. "She doesn't matter now, none of this does. "emergency, emergency, 10% containment", soon everything will be rewritten by the tear. Everything but the Hawaiian power." "You've gone insane Mike! This was never how it was supposed to be. When did everything become about power?" "I need power to be able to do this Nicole! I need to make things right!"
Nolan lunged towards Lee and Heather. Burger rose into the air blocking Nolan. Burger screamed from the effort of holding Nolan back " I CANT HOLD HIM" "2" Jourdan yelled. The corollas moved into formation outside the Gabok. Swinging underneath the Gabok. Hundreds of Demons swarmed behind them, in front of them, the last 30 clone corollas hovered. The pilots did not slow down despite the knowledge that full acceleration into the clones was suicide. They began their final run.
"Together Mike, we were going to build the new world! TOGETHER, ALL OF US" "That's still possible Nicole! I just need to start over, then we can rebuild, all of us, they were never supposed to have made it this far but I can still do it, Nicole, trust me, with your help, I can still do it." Nicole tripped as she fell backwards, stunned. "You always planned for them to die? That's what surprised you? That they… that they lived?" Mike looked at her, he turned back towards Steve. "Jesus Mike, these people are your friends! These people are who you are fighting for! Mike! ANSWER ME" "I can fix them, Nicole. I can recreate us better." "That's enough Mike, I'm shutting you down!" You use this opportunity, you don't understand anything. You simply slam into Mike. "MARK" Jourdan screams

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