Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

"Warning, Reality overload imminent", the electronic voice proclaimed to Jess. Jourdan had released the mark. All that was left was to prey, If they failed, the last protocol was to slam the SPOT into the Gabok and hope that the resulting destruction did not wipe out all humanity across all reality. The final protocol was initiated once the SPOT was in the exact position it was in now. All she needed was to say the word Twilight. It echoed in her head.
Dustin screamed as he clenched his eyes. Mike grabbed Steve as he swung Steve hard into the ground, bouncing Steve up into the air shimmering in front of the Reality tear. Nolan pushed through Burger slamming full force into Jourdan, Robbie, and Scott. But the air was now clear behind them. Dustin and his cargo were gone.
Tara Brinkerhoff grasped hard to the wheel of the Corrolla as it shook hard from the sudden impact of 4 people into its back seat. She gunned the accelerator as hard as she could. Jamie, Mellissa, and Allison fired into the line of Clones in front of them. It wasn't enough. They were heading straight into the line. Tara put her arms in front her face. Suddenly a huge fireball exploded in front of her. She jerked hard as her Corrolla took hard turbulence. Wait, it was just that, Turbulence! She was still airborne! The skies in front of her were clear! The corolla shook again, this time it was caused by the full armada of the US Air Force. As the jet fighters rumbled by her, engaging the demons behind them, Tara looked down to see the fleet of air force carriers and pirate ships below her, their cannons smoking. "That was all we got, Black Squad Leader! Move to the children's hospital in Oakland. We have it fortified as best we can." Police Captain Tucker came over the radio. "Lee by god if you can hear me, we're here for you, just get home. That's an order!" The other black Corollas and a few Jet fighters formed up around them as they streamed over the Golden Gate Bridge heading inbound toward Oakland.
Nolan crashed hard through the side of the Gabok. Robbie grabbed onto the back of Nolan and Scott the back of Robbie. Jourdan grabbed his ankle. They tumbled out into the air above San Francisco. Jourdan swung around, but was kicked off by Nolan. Burger swung out just in time to catch her. They floated out in midair, Robbie had Nolan in a headlock. Scott climbed up Robbie and was punching Nolan as hard as he could. They were keeping Nolan off balance as best they could but it wasn't working. Nolan soon stopped his mid air tumbling and with the power of both Hell and the Hawiian shirt, he ripped the two off of himself. Throwing them into Burger and Jourdan . He then caught them in his power, Nolan's hand outstretched, he began to close, crushing the four others. "JOURDAN, NO, HOLD ON" Adam screamed into the communicator.
Mike slams into you, swinging you back around and into another wall. You grab him and slam him back, Back and forth, you throw each other into walls. The reality rip is on the verge of swallowing the entire room, you throw mike through the top of the ship. Nicole lifts herself up with what's left of her evil power and follows. You're fighting on the deck of the ship. You look over to Nolan as he's crushing your friends. You cant do anything about it, your locked into this fight with Mike. The reality tear is now almost the size of the Gabok. All that's left is the outer deck. Rain and wind are beating down on you. Nicole screams something to you from the deck. Luckily Mike throws you down to the deck next to her. Before you get up she grabs you by the shirt and yells into your ear. "Steve, the reality tear, the Hawaiian shirts can stop it. She hands you one. Here this is what's left of Nolan's shirt, When he took my power he left a piece o f his own. Somehow you have to Take Mike's shirt from him and take it in to the tear!"…the rain was hitting hard as Mike swung back in front of you, his back directly to the tear…. "take them into the center of the tear. I'm not sure how, but you can use the power of the shirts to control it, all of reality. I swear I thought he was going to use it to shape a better future… I had no idea what he really was going to do…" You cant tell if it's the rain or tears on her face but you don't have time because she swings you around and pushes you towards Mike. You know what you must do. You've only got one shot at this.
Demon fire lit up the sky around the black corolla as it ducked between Oakland buildings. "There it is, ahead!" Derek shouted. Dustin was now unconscious in the seat next to Lee and Heather. A line of Hayward and Oakland police cars was formed as a barricade in front of the hospital, the emergency lights of the cars reflecting off the buildings and rain. Cops, military, and citizens stood armed behind the line, armed with whatever weapons they could find. It was a straight shot down 19th avenue, through the hole in the barricade and into the hospital garage. Tara swung the corolla around to make a line in the air towards the hospital when the corolla rocked hard to the right in the air. Flames shot out from the back of the corolla. It had been hit by demon fire. "Get her on the ground!" Tucker's voice shouted over the radio. Lee held on tight as Tara tried desperately to guide the flaming corolla towards the street. Contact, the wheels hit the ground, screeching. The corolla skidded hard left then over corrected right, duck tailing out to the right. Finally Tara stabilized and gunned the engine as the barricade was only a couple hundred yards down the street. Two police cars skidded out from the left and right flanking the car. Jamie and Melisa's cars matched above, deflecting fire. 100 yards out. A tire blew from demon fire, the car swung left, still skidding the right direction, 40 yards. Fire was raining around as the car skidded fully sideways towards the hole in the barricade. 20 Yards, The people in the barricade were unleashing as best they could to cover you. 10. The flanking police cars pulled back and began their own sideways swings. 5, The corolla is now screeching backwards, momentum alone carries it past the barricade and violently but safely into the garage. The flanking police cars slide sideways into the barricade hole. Shoring the barricade up just as the demons crash into it. The thick reinforced hospital garage doors slam down as the waiting medics rush Heather out of the Car. No time to cut the handcuffs, Lee runs alongside the stretcher as they wheel her down the hall into the emergency room.

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