Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

Nolan hovers in the air as he crushes Jourdan, Robbie, Burger, and Scott. Adam jumps out from the Gabok "AHHHHRG" he screams as Nolan grabs him as well. However it forces Nolan to move out away a few yards in order to capture everyone within his line of sight. "Excellent Job Adam" Jess shouts over the communicator. Suddenly the SPOT rises to the side of Nolan. He turns just in time to face the full side cannon load out of the SPOT. "Open fire." Jess commands. The power of the SPOT unleashes into Nolan. The force blows the 5 others back onto the deck of the Gabok next to Nicole. Seconds later the smoke and fire lift. Nolan lays floating in the air. The fire and power that once surrounded him are gone. He moves. Slowly he raises back up. Laughing hysterically, he floats towards the group on the deck of the Gabok.
They wheel Heather around into the operating table. All sorts of machines are hooked up to her. Alarm bells are going off. Doctors are scurrying around. "Come on hon, come on Heather. Stay with me." They inject her with something, a faint beet comes from one of the machines. The give her something else.
You swing out as hard as you can into Mike. He doesn't expect the amount of force you bring. Of course he wouldn't the only reason you'd hit him this hard is to lift him up over the deck of the Gabok. You lift him up over Nolan. The doctors resort to their last line. They desperately give the girl CPR. Nothing is working the alarms are all ringing around Lee. As Mike and Steve float over Nolan, Mike realizes what you mean to do. You head directly into the heart of the reality tear. Your bringing Mike with you. Behind you, Norman launches off the deck of the SPOT. The doctors turn off the alarms around Heather. They hang their heads as they leave the operating table. Lee screams as he falls to his knees, draped over Heather. You see Nolan turn to face Norman as Norman plows into him, crashing him hard into the deck next to your friends. Norman skids around next to your friends. "You all! Leave, I will hold Nolan here, so help me god with all that I have left, Nolan will face what becomes of this ship." Nicole screams over the wind. None of your friends move. Robbie puts down his Trident and takes a knee. Jourdan looks to her. "We don't leave without him." Those are the last words you hear as you take Mike into the core of the reality tear. All is white.
One of the Mormon elite on the bridge looks to Jess, "Sir! That maneuver took us out of range to initiate the twilight maneuver." "I know corporal." "But sir, we were taught to never trust inÂ…" "I know, but Jourdan and her people made the decision despite it all when they decided to pull Nolan out into the open. Pull the SPOT back in front of San Francisco, order all fighters behind us, we will block what we can of the coming explosion. All reality hangs in the balance, and Steve is our only chance."

You have 1 choice:

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