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You sneak out the back door to the art room, running out to the empty football practice field, making your way to the nearby woods. You plan on taking a trail through the wooded area to a side street that you will follow home. That way Roberts friends won't see you.

You reach the edge of the woods and look back over your shoulder. The parking lot is a furry of activity as people get into their cars to leave for the day. You can't see any of Rob's hoodlums near the art building. You may just be able to get away.

With your stomach floating on a pool of excitement, you hurry your steps and enter the dense wood on a well worn trail.

Less than ten steps in you wince as a resounding SNAP sounds from beneath your foot, a dry stick that had fallen on the trail cracked in half by your clumsy foot. The sound almost echoes off of the trees.

You keep moving, being careful not to step on anything. Glancing back you see someone looking in your direction.

"He's over here!" the guy calls. "In the woods. The fucker snuck out the back!"

He starts running towards you and you see two more guys appear where he was standing earlier. They start running as well.

So much for stealth.

You break into an all out run, cutting off of the trail in favor of a more direct route. The trees become a blur as you move, your feet take on a speed that they have never known. Your stride is fast, steady, and measured.

You hear the guys entering the wood behind you and double the burden you've given your legs. A log tries to block your path but you hop it. One of your feet scrapes its surface and almost catches, but you recover well enough on the landing and press on.

The edge of the wood isn't far and you soon burst through the tree line into someone's backyard. You charge through the yard to the front, making your way to the street.

The yard you are in has some medium height bushes, and you consider hiding there and letting them pass you buy. Then again, you may want to keep running. The last thing you want to do is be stuck in one place if they find you.