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There's no point in stopping and trapping yourself if they should find you. It's best to keep running and hope that you can find some refuge somewhere.

You huff and puff as you go, the exertion of this escape more than your body is prepared to handle. You're not exactly physically fit, and your lungs are burning.

The road is far easier to run on than the woods and yard were and you find yourself picking up your pace. It isn't long before you hear the heavy footsteps of the four guys pursuing you.

It's a matter of time before they reach you, you realize.

Moments later you sense a force hitting you in the back and just before one of them reaches you, hitting you from behind and tackling you to the ground. Your face hits the hard and unforgiving street.

He rolls you onto your back and you see his fists coming in before they are actually coming in, but you are unable to avoid the flurry of attacks.

The rest of them reach you soon and join in with the relentless assault. Blow after painful blow comes in at you until there is nothing but pain and agony and finally darkness. The dark is all consuming, it comes in with a wave of absolute silence.

You wake up alone on the side of the road, a few adults standing around you.

"Where am I?" you ask, trying to rise to your feet. The world spins around and you decide to wait a bit before getting up.

After some time your head clears. You don't rat out the guys that beat you up, you just claim that you don't remember.

One of the adults mentions that they called the police and an ambulance, but you get the hell out of there before any of them arrive. They call after you as you leave them behind, and you wave them off.

The walk home is long, dizzy, and nauseating. You throw up a little on the way, the vomit is thick and maroon in color; a combination of your lunch and your blood.

You get to your home eventually and lay down to rest. You're so woozy after that beating. You close your eyes for what seem like a few seconds, but when you open them night has set.

You are sick for the rest of the night and stay home the next day. The dizziness and headaches won't go away and you fear that you may have a concussion.

As the hours pass, you start to feel better. But something doesn't seem right to you. Somehow, something is wrong.

It isn't until late in the next day at school that you come to understand what is so wrong. The premonition has subsided. No longer do you have that moment of foresight. No more "spidey-sense".

You go through the rest of your life as well as can be expected, never quite fitting in with the "in-crowd". The years pass and you graduate with flying colors, get into a good school and go on to live a pretty successful life.

Throughout the years, however, you cannot help but feel a slight sense of emptiness in your gut. A hole where the power had been. The only real advantage you've ever had for survival.

Twenty years later, as you are driving, a car runs a red light and bashes into the side of your car at high impact. The metal crushes and shrieks all around you, crushing your bones and turning your organs to mush.

As you lie in the seat, bleeding to death, you cannot help but wonder if this could have been avoided if you still had your power of foresight.
End Of Story