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You duck down behind the bushes and wait; trying hard to quiet your ragged breathing. Their footsteps soon sound, thundering on the ground as they pass you. When they reach the street they stop.

Peering through a small gap between two of the bushes you see them looking around in all directions and talking.

"Which way did he go?" one asks.

"Should we split up?" asks another.

They agree to split up, two going up the street one way and two heading in the other direction. You wait a few minutes before doubling back, heading through the wood and taking the long way home.

You find some satisfaction in knowing that you successfully avoided Robert's goons, but become increasingly concerned that you may have done nothing but delay the inevitable.

Your concerns are confirmed the next day at school when Robert's friends sit down at your lunch table and talk about what they are going to do to you. From what you gather, what they have planned is not going to be pleasant.

You become more and more paranoid as the day wears on. During art class they make it more clear that you won't be getting away this time. When the bell rings one of them stays behind to walk you out.
End Of Story