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Paco Valdez

It's best if you stay where you are, that way you can just get on Betty and ride out as soon as Gus and Annie step out.

You take a few gulps from your canteen and brush down your horse, patting her as you do so.

The time passes slowly, and your mind starts to focus over the memories of the sheriff's daughter. She was a wild one; certainly you were not her first lover. Not that you had any hope of explaining that to the man. You were lucky to escape with your life.

Every time you close your eyes, you see him staring down at you from behind the double barrel of his shotgun. You jump at every sound.

You wish they'd hurry the hell up so you can get the fuck out of this town.

The door to the sheriff's office swings open and Gus and Annie walk out, a third figure behind them. You swallow hard, the big bellied, thick mustached form of the sheriff is behind them, descending the stairs and talking to them. You duck behind your horse, and steal glances in their direction.

"I tell you, I didn't think we'd ever see his ugly mug again," he says to them. "I'm just glad you two caught him."

"Not as glad as us, sheriff," Annie says, indicating the money bag in her hand.

Annie and Gus stand at ground level, staring up at the sheriff who is on the stairs.

"Well," he says to them, "thank you kind." He turns around and starts back up the stairs.

Gus and Annie make their way over to you.

"That was easy enough," you say to them. "Now let's get the fuck out of Wicklow."

You quickly mount up and wait while Gus and Annie start to do the same.

That's when the sheriff steps back out of the office. "You!" he says, pointing at you.

Shit. You turn your mount around and are ready to spur her into motion when the sheriff gives you a bit of advice.

"I swear by God, boy," he says. "If you start riding out of here, I will shoot you off'a your damn horse."

Are you going to risk it? Are you going to keep riding and hope that he either doesn't do it or misses? Or are you going to get off of the horse and see what he wants, hoping he doesn't just want to shoot you?