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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red

You use Ember on the dor. It is obvious that the door is not fireproof, because the metal starts twisting under your flame, but its still blocking whatever is inside. You hold your flame, and eventually, the door crumbles into a pile of molten metal. You let the metal sit and cool off for a while, then peer inside. Its pitch black, so you hold your tail like a torch and walk inside. With the firelight, you see a small object lying on the floor. It is too dark to make out what it is. You reach down and touch it; its very cold...and soft. Suddenly, you get shivers down your spine. Something's not right, you say to yourself. Desparate to get out, you reach down and grab the object, then come back out to the light, where Pikachu and Donphan are waiting for you.

Pikachu: "What is it?"

Donphan: "It looks like a velvet satchel."

Pikachu: "Well, yeah, but what's inside it?"

Charmander: "Lets find out."

You carefully undo the knot in the strings of the satchel, then stick your hand/paw inside. You pull out a(n)... (These are not specific and are not meant to be; you will find out why later.)

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