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Time Traveller

You gesture to the right hallway and quietly move down it, listening carefully at each door for someone within. The first few sound unoccupied, but eventually you hear a man and woman's voice.
"You do the honours, drifter," Joe whispers to you. Wondering what you've got yourself into, you take a deep breath and push open the door.

Inside, you find a man and a woman on a wide, white-sheeted bed, most of their clothes strewn across the floor.
"What in the-" The man scrambles for a gun, looking vaguely ridiculous in his undergarments, but his gun belt is lying by your foot. You put your foot on it.
"Don't do anythin' stupid," You tell the man, feigning that accent and waggling your colt at him. The woman seems too terrified even to scream. "We don't wanna hurt no-one. Just came for yer money."

The man glares at you with hatred. "It's in mah shirt, all I got, not worth yer trouble."
You kick his gun belt even further away and rifle through the shirt dumped on the floor. No time to count it, but it looks like about a hundred dollars.
"What about little missy's jewellery over there?" Joe demands of the man. He thumbs back the hammer on his colt.
"In my purse, on the dresser!" The woman whimpers, and Joe empties it out, stuffing the contents into his pockets. "Sorry ter disturb," Joe grins, as he moves towards the door, "We'll be leavin' now." You follow him, glaring at the couple in the bed with your best attempt of looking mean.

As soon as you reach the hallway, Joe nods to you and you both make a dash for the stairs. Before you reach the third step, the man in the room is shouting that he has been robbed. Chaos breaks loose as people come out of their rooms to investigate, and you barrel a man over as he tries to stop you. Charging out into the street, Joe vaults onto his horse.
"Ride, drifter, ride!" He bellowed, before kicking the horses' flanks and tearing off down the street. You run frantically for your own horse.

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