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Darkness and Light

He winces in pain as you dig your fangs into his arm. Then his eyes widen in horror as he realizes you have no intention of stopping. It's already too late to stop you however, as he grows quickly weaker and you grow stronger.

His face becomes an unreadable mask once again. "I see," he says simply. "Even though trees offer their fruit and shade, branches for fires and shelters, we are not satisfied and cut down the whole tree."

You finish and he slumps to the ground. His blood is sweeter than anything you've ever tasted, and you can feel new power coursing through your veins. "I need your strength to stop the upcoming evil."

"Evil always begins with good intentions", he gasps. "But you shall soon grow more evil than the one you hope to vanquish."

"I grow tired of your babbling!" you shout angrily. "Just hurry up and die!"

"I pray that darkness will not completely consume you. Forgive me for being unable to prevent this evil..." He sighed one last time, then died.

Even while you were sucking his life away, he was not scared or angry. Just thinking of his flawless serene face fuels your anger even more.

Quickly subduing a sudden feeling of remorse, you turn away from his corpse. He could have been a valuable ally or a dangerous enemy... but he refuses to kill and where you're going there will be a lot of killing...