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The Thief of Alvera

You wonder who the man was running away from. You decide the only way to find out is to go out into the main street tht the man came from. You get up from where you are, taking your leather bag with you and walk to the main street. The street is dark, as it always is at this hour. You see patrol guards approaching and quickly duck into a side-alley. The alley is damp and smells of garbage, probably a bac alley to a cluster of houses. The guards walk past you and after making sure the coast is clear, you venture out into the main street again.

Suddenly, an unexplainable fear grips you. You never felt afraid in the streets. But now, you have the feeling that something bad is about to happen. Suddenly, you get the feeling that the streets aren't safe for you.

You decide to run to Andon's cellar which isn't much farther from where you stand. As you turn to run, you realise with sickening horror that you cannot move.

You see a dark figure approach you. The figure stood out even in that dark street. It was as if, it's black outline wasn't due to the darkness of night or the colour of garment but it was a lack of substance. It seemed to be a void, nothingnes in the outline of a man.

You see the form come closer, you are drenched with sweat and the fear leaves a bad taste in your mouth. You struggle to move but you can't even budge. You stand helplessly as the form stops in front of you, you hear a blood-curling howl and then your consciousnes fades away slowly.

You wake up in a cold steel chamber, chained to the wall. A prisoner.