A Very Special Infinite Story

You remember when you were little of how you liked to dress up in Mommy's clothing and how you always thought her make up was pretty. You remember your Dad severely beating you after you said you wanted a Barbie doll. Oh why didn't he just let you be who you were? You've had to deny yourself of your true feeling all this time. Oh it's just so sad…

THAT'S why you're so depressed! THAT'S why you don't feel like you fit in! THAT'S why you longingly look at all the rest of guys in the shower room wishing that you were the bar of soap they use…

But first things first! You've just come to accept the fact that you're gay. Now the really hard part begins. Are you going to proudly come out in pink colored hot pants and announce it to everyone or are you going to hide in the closet like a scared little Nancy boy?