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Lost in a Good Book- A Child's Tale

Rebecca decided to find a girlie book. She searched the stacks for the pinkest frilliest looking book ever. Something that would make her brothers groan in dismay. In the end, she found a slender hard book, with a little girl on the cover. Taking her book, Rebecca settled into a back corner and read the title aloud.

"Fancy Nancy," this seemed to her like a funny title for a book. However, she decided she would read it just the same. Tucking her legs up under her bum, she opened the slender book.

Something funny happened then, Rebecca felt her stomach twist a little, and she heard a sudden ::POP:: and then she was in a different world. Rebecca stood in the corner of the fanciest room she had ever seen. There was lace and frill everywhere she looked. The bed was decorated in lots of shades of pink. There was a small girl sitting on the floor playing with a baby doll. Rebecca had stopped playing with dolls years ago, but the girl seemed so funny that Rebecca couldn't help but wish she had a doll as well.

"Bon jour!" the girl said looking up at Becca as if she had expected her to show up. "That's a fancy word in French for hello."

Rebecca nodded blankly. It seemed a bland response to the situation. The little girl smiled and stood, then made a gesture with her frilly lace costume.

"You may call me Nancy," the girl said authoritatively. "This is my doll, isn't she fancy? You have arrived punctually- that's a fancy word for on time. We are about to have a tea party, would you like to join us?"

Rebecca looked at the strange little girl with her many plastic necklaces, and thought she had never seen anyone so splendidly carefree and tacky all at once. Being the only girl in her family, and the youngest to boot, she had missed having another girl with whom she could relate. Rebecca agreed that she would like to have a tea party with this fancy little Nancy.

"Well, you aren't very fancy are you?" the girl asked as if she was used to being surrounded by the less than fancy folk, but didn't quite approve. Rebecca looked down at her clothes. She was wearing a shirt with red and white stripes, and denim shorts with scuffed Keds. She did not look fancy. "Don't worry, I will dress you up post-haste- that's a fancy word for in a hurry."

Rebecca felt bewildered as Nancy placed a glittery crown on her head, and wrapped a purple feather boa around her neck. She sneezed as it brushed her nose. Nancy ran to her dresser and returned with a lacy kerchief. It seemed that Nancy didn't have anything that was not fancy. Soon she was seated at a tiny but very fancy table, her knees brushed the underside of the top.

"Would you like some tea my dear?" Nancy asked as she lifted a plastic teapot from the surface. Knowing it would be extremely rude to decline, Rebecca held up her cup. Nancy pretended to pour her some tea, and even went an extra measure pretending to add sugar cubes to the tea.

"Thank you," Rebecca said politely. She may not know how to be fancy quite yet, but she did know how to be polite.

"It is my pleasure," Nancy said pleased that her tea companion had remembered to thank her.

Rebecca put the cup to her lips, wondering what would happen next in this little world.
"Oh no! My dear!" Nancy said her face a mask of horror. "You must raise your pinky as you drink, that is how one has a fancy tea you understand."

Rebecca played along, raising her pink as Nancy demonstrated the move for her. She liked Nancy, but she didn't really care much for being bossed around. After tea, Nancy suggested that Rebecca could do with some make up, and pulling out plastic make up kits, Nancy began to apply imaginary gobs of the stuff.

"Aren't you gorgeous?" Nancy asked apparently pleased that she had thought of a fancy word for pretty.

Rebecca looked at Nancy's little mirror, and thought she looked rather silly draped in a boa and topped with a crown. Nancy however seemed very pleased with her handiwork.

"My family isn't the slightest bit fancy," Nancy whispered as if sharing some great secret. "I plan to give them lessons eventually. It's really a pity- that's a fancy word for sad- that they don't know how to be fancy. Do you?"

Rebecca shrugged she never knew quite what to say to this girl with her strange pink glittery life.

"Oh let's find out, shall we?" Nancy squeaked jumping to her feet. "Close your eyes."

Rebecca obeyed, and listened as Nancy moved around rustling things. After what felt like ages to Rebecca, Nancy told her to look. There were various items gathered in pairs. Nancy stood holding a Disney princess wand and pointing to two items.

"Which of these is fancy?" Nancy asked regally.

Rebecca examined the pair, one was a muddy Wellie boot, and the other a high heeled glitter shoe. Naturally the glitter shoe was the fancier of the two. She pointed a finger at the glitter pump.

"Stupendous- that's a fancy word for wonderful." Nancy cried gleefully and pointed to another pair of items. The first was a baseball cap, and the second was a frilly little straw hat with fake flowers along the brim.

"That one," Rebecca said pointing to the floral encrusted hat. This inspired Nancy to twirl around delightedly. Nancy continued pointing to items, and seemed to thoroughly be enjoying the game. Then a sound came from the other side of the door.

"That's my mom," Nancy said. "Would you like me to introduce you?"

Rebecca thought she would like to meet a mother willing to put up with Nancy's childishness, but before she could answer she felt that strange pull in her stomach and again she was in the library.