Ground Zero

You think back to when you first entered Zeropolis and how you hoped that you'd somehow be as lucky or as radiation resistant as your grandfather was when he witnessed nuclear blast tests back when he was in the army. As it turns out you were, well lucky that is, the radiation resistance came later.

During your entire stay in Zeropolis, you've always tried to do what you thought was best for you, but many times you've felt like you were railroaded into this path, and indeed sometimes you had little choice in some of your major decisions.

However, ultimately they were your choices and even you have to admit you've done far better than you could've expected. Lisa's a better wife than you really could've hoped for before the bombs turned the world into nuclear ash, let alone after the bombs. You son Adonis is obviously going to be a fine ruler someday, he certainly has all the necessary traits and if Venus is as much like you as she appears to be, she'll do just fine. Their future is what's important, and as such you have come to the realization that making sure they have a great empire to rule is the best thing you can give them. Not just for them, but for their children as well. You finally understand Lisa's dedication to conquest and why she's always pushed you to be a little more enthusiastic about it.

Sure she gets a bit intense as far as the human thing sometimes, but that's just part of her personality. You never quite understood why she's exactly so obsessed on the whole mutant superiority thing (Whereas you just take it for granted that you're better and just leave it at that) especially given that she herself has never even had contact with another one since her transformation. (You have though, one thing that always seem to get her hot is when you recount your time when you were doing raids on Combine town during your alliance with the Cybernetic Evolution) You've always had a strange sort of relationship with Lisa, but it is love though, a weird form of it, but love nonetheless.

People have been fighting wars and taking shit from others since the beginning of time, and from what you can tell they're still doing it. All for various reasons. So your reasons are for love and family. There's certainly more selfish and worse reasons.

After coming to this epiphany you finally have eliminated any lingering doubts and reservations about anything you've ever done or will do in the future. You immediately go find Lisa who's watching Adonis train against one of the few former Shadow Horde mutants left. He's managed to take the giant down with his bare hands too, not many can make that boast, let alone at the young age he has. When you arrive in the gym, Lisa approaches you.

"Well, I didn't expect to see you until tonight. I know how you like to spend long periods of time by yourself… I always found that strange for someone in a position of leadership."
"Not really Lisa, people who rule are often isolated, however I have come to the realization that I'm not alone. The future of our dynasty is important, I see that now and I'm going to ensure what we've built doesn't end."

You think it's the first time you've seen overwhelming joy in Lisa's face, but she immediately hugs and kisses you. You think this is also the first time you've actually heard her say "I love you." to you. Adonis stops his training and wonders what's going on and that's when you turn your attention to him and point your finger directly at him.

"And YOU, you will be the next ruler! But if you want ANY chance of it, you're going to have to beat me first!"
"Hah! You're kidding right? I just beat an Ex-Shadow Horde mutant with my bare hands! I can easily take you on old man!" he laughs.
"Think so? Show me what all your training has done then, don't worry I'll go easy on you, wouldn't want to mess up that pretty face of yours, you sure you're not my daughter?"
"You're going down old man!"
"Not likely, now stop talking and hiding behind your mother's skirt, mama's boy!"

That one had the desired effect.

Unsurprisingly your minor taunts make Adonis angry causing him to charge at you hard and you immediately drop to the ground and trip him. When he falls on his face you grab his arm and twist it behind him while putting your knee in his back.

"See? You let yourself get too emotional and it threw off your game. You need to learn more about fighting than just the basics. I'll make sure I'll teach you that. Now get up."

From that point on you take a more active role in training Adonis. Particularly in the more psychological and strategic aspects of it. He learns quickly, and in time learns to reign in the arrogance and some of his mother's views on humans, but he always retains his desire to fight. In the years to follow he joins the Dominion army and quickly rises through the ranks. Lisa is very proud and you are as well.

As for Venus, she of course remains her usual quiet self, though she does surprise everyone when she later joins the Dominion army as well, as a scout though. She turns out to be an excellent sniper.

As always there is resistance, but for the most part the Zero Dominion only grows larger under your rule.

Thirty years pass…

Fifty years have gone by since you first set foot in Zeropolis and you're eternally glad you did. It could've only been destiny that guided you to what you thought was most likely a death zone, only to turn out to be the place where you would achieve greatness.

You remember how humans used to shoot mutants on sight mainly to discourage them from venturing far from Zeropolis, but now mutants now control a vast portion of territory, their population has grown much much larger, and half-breed mutants from humans are in large numbers as well. A new era is being ushered in for a newly evolved being that will eventually replace humanity.

Never did you think that you'd actually live long enough to die peacefully in your own bed. But that's what is occurring now, you feel the approach of death occurring and you have no regrets. Right now you're surrounded by your family. Lisa, Adonis, Venus and their children as well. You can die knowing that you've made the world a better place for them.

You've made all of this happen and as you pass your throne to Adonis, while holding on to Lisa's hand who sits by the side of the bed, you say your last words:

"I love you all and finish what I started, my children …"

You have 1 choice: