Ground Zero

"We need to get our shit together first, look, we got people all over the damn place and wounded everywhere." You say surveying the damage.
"You can't be serious! We need to attack NOW! Or don't you remember what they nearly did to our son?" Lisa exclaims.
"Christ Lisa, I'm aware of ALL the shit they've done! What I'm saying is we need to organize here, and not just throw people at them until something happens! I understand that's the Shadow Horde way of doing things but…"

At this point Lisa slaps you, and while your skin is tough, it still manages to sting.

"Oh fuck you; if it hadn't been for YOUR duplicity we wouldn't even BE in this situation!"
"Look Lisa, we NEED to at least regroup. I'm sure that hospital is going to be their last stand and we can't go in attacking half assed. We need to attack from all sides and cut off all avenues of escape so we don't have to deal with guerilla hold outs after the main attack is over. We want to kill them ALL in one fell swoop; we don't want the fucking Savior to escape to cause trouble later!"

After a little more debate, Lisa finally agrees and you quickly gather your troops and implement a plan while Lisa takes care of her own end of things. Within a couple days you're ready, but Lisa still being strong willed sort she is, jumps the gun and begins before you.

"Goddamn it Lisa…"

The battle to the hospital is a slaughter on the Glow Children's side. They still haven't recovered from the battle of Downtown and they've been losing many to the Shadow Horde. The Zeropolis Legion doesn't lose too many troops, though the Shadow Horde is taking a beating due to the fact that they're taking the brunt of the Glow Children's hospital defenses. That needn't had been the case had Lisa not attacked so soon. By the time you make it to the hospital most of the heavy fighting has been done. Dead bodies of both Glow Children and the Shadow Horde are littering the streets. Lisa stands outside the hospital seemingly unconcerned.

"What the fuck Lisa? I told you to fuckin' wait! You look like you lost your whole goddamn Horde trying to storm this hospital!"
"Who cares? If they aren't strong enough to survive then they can die like the rest. They're meant to serve me anyway, and the Glow Children MUST pay for what they nearly did to my son, no matter what the costs. Now go in and PROVE you're a father by doing what needs to be done. Should be easy…I did most of the work for you."

You shake your head trying to reason with Lisa's recent volatile emotions, and head into the hospital with your own people. Sounds of battle are heard and body parts are all over the place. After a few shoot outs with the few wretched hold outs, you eventually track down the infamous Savior. Yet another old face that looks a lot different from when you last saw it.

A severely burned female cyborg attempting to fix up one of her Glow Children on an operating table throws her scalpel down in frustration when she realizes nothing more can be done and sees you enter the room.

"Mutants! Fucking goddamn back stabbing mutants…you're no good for anything!" she shouts.
"Wow, AVA that's a lot of emotion for a cyborg." You say calmly.
"Let's see how emotionless you remain when you see YOUR future destroyed before your eyes. This is all your fault! YOU caused all this! You did this to me!"
"Yeah, yeah, I've been getting that line from everyone lately. It's getting old."
"Fool. We would've brought unity to the world; mutants would've been incorporated too. All you had to do was help, but instead you betrayed us to those who hate you!"
"Yeah and that incorporation would've been the total loss of free will I'm sure. No thanks, I'd rather take my chances with some disjointed puny humans than an army of unified cyborgs."
"Ah, of course. You mutants think YOU are fit to rule the world. Huh. You're little better than humans. You still act on emotion rather than clarity. Look at your wife…she sacrificed hundreds of her own people who she claimed she looked after all for a mere child. Don't look so surprised that I know about that act of total illogic, I could hear her screaming her rants of vengeance when I first saw her approach the hospital with her mutant rabble."
"First of all she's not my wife. And what about what you did? Are you saying sending in multitudes of brainwashed mutants was so different?"
"YES! Yes it was! My purpose was NOT based on emotion! I was trying to kill as many as mutants as possible! I had a clear goal! A clarity of purpose! What do I care what mutants died on who's side? I am not one of them!"
"Uh…yeah. Well sounds pretty emotional to me. Sounds like good ol' fashioned revenge. And I suppose those assassination attempts on me was just business to eh? Nothing personal?"

AVA shakes her head in dismay and looks up at the ceiling. Tears stream from her non-cybernetic eye.

"You'll never understand mutant…it…it should've been us…we…I'm sorry Alex…I'm sorry my father…I have ended up like you…trapped and surrounded by my enemies with only death awaiting me…forgive me…"

Strangely, you almost feel sorry for AVA, putting her out of her misery is probably an act of kindness at this point. And so you do with a couple of well placed bullets.

"(Sigh) Well AVA, if it's any consolation, you did a lot of damage to us, a lot of damage…"

When you exit, Lisa is still waiting outside, she looks like she's deep in thought.

"Yeah, the Savior's dead and from what I can tell so are all the other Glow Children as well as most of your Shadow Horde…" you say to Lisa
"Given the temporary mistrust both side had for each other, perhaps its for the best…perhaps this alliance needs to be dissolved and simply unified under one banner, one name, we are all mutants, no one is better than another, but we are all better than humans."
"So what're you saying exactly?"
"I'm saying we should be joined officially…with this latest annoyance out of the way, Zeropolis will soon be under our total control and then it will be time to handle the humans. I'm already a Queen, and you shall be my King and Adonis…shall be a Prince…heir to our new mutant dynasty."

You're a little surprised by this sudden suggestion

"Whoa! What the hell? You want us to get fuckin' married?"
"Yes, do you not have feelings for me?"
"Well uh…yeah I guess…I mean…"
"Am I not the mother of your son?"
"Well of course."
"Do you not see the wisdom in this action?"
"I suppose, but…"
"Then it's settled…and be honest wouldn't you like to be able to spend more time with your son? Spend more time with me…and be closer to you…"

Lisa's manages to convince you in that way she does through her seductive embraces and strong commanding will. You swear she has some sort of mutant ability to control minds.

A festive wedding is soon held after the celebration of the Glow Children's destruction.

Ten years pass…

Twenty years have passed and the unification of Zeropolis is complete. One City of unified mutants and you are their KING. What was once a warehouse has now been turned into a palace.

War against the humans is also in full swing. Lisa made sure that was the first thing on the agenda the moment Zeropolis was completely unified. The Combine wasn't even prepared for the first few attacks, as entire towns were taken over with relative ease. Never before had mutants been so organized, and are now the greatest threats to them since the Cybernetic Evolution, worse even, since you can breed, and not just with other mutants…

The Combine and The Zero Dominion (That being its new name) fought for a long time, but The Combine lost mainly due to its own internal turmoil. After a couple years of your attacks the government collapsed and splintered into several factions. Some of those factions willingly surrendered to you. Human traitors were not unheard mainly because rule under The Combine was little better. It was a corrupt and decadent organization that bullied its citizens, while human subjects living under your occupation are treated fairly well as long as they know their place and they are certainly well protected from other humans like the outlaw scum who lurk in the wastelands. With the Combine completely destroyed, mutants now rule everything within the area ranging from towns to even the Ground Zero Shelters still containing their inhabitants. (Actually many of those genuinely thanked you for releasing them from those underground coffins! Lisa of course wasn't surprised by the shoddy workmanship that went into most of them given that she used to work for the corporation)

Now eyes of conquest look ever further, but despite all this, you're a relatively benevolent dictator.

Though Lisa often thinks you're too lenient on the humans, and claims you must set a better example for Adonis who shall take over from you one day. Adonis is only a teenager, but has the arrogance of a god. The tests and training Lisa insists that he engage in continue, and have produced a superior specimen of mutanthood thus far. Already he is eager to shed the blood of humans, you sometimes have to tell him that he shouldn't let something like that dominate his thoughts as it can lead to recklessness, but he's very much like his mother despite the fact that you've had regular contact with him now.

Your daughter Venus on the other hand is different. She's still young, but even now you can see that she will be a very dissimilar person than her brother. While you'd think Lisa would want to spend time with her own daughter, she still concentrates only on Adonis. Leaving you to take up that role, but even that is only minimal as Venus often prefers spending time by herself. She reminds you of…well you. Over the recent years, you've often wished you could spend time by yourself like you used to, but that's a rare luxury nowadays…

But heavy is the head that wears the crown and you have a host of concerns as of late to attend to and they only stack up. Hell, you don't even know where to begin anymore. You begin to wonder if any of this is even worth it. You know you're better than humans, but is constant ongoing warfare REALLY what you want?

You have 2 choices: