Ground Zero

You don't really want this, you never really did. You feel like every decision you've ever made has either because you had no choice or because you felt influenced in some way. Well you're in charge now and if you don't want to wage an ongoing war with humans then you're not going to!

You immediately call a halt to all further acts of aggression on human settlements. You say you're going to concentrate on defending and holding on to what you have. Lisa isn't too pleased with this decision. You argue that what is the point of it all since you've eliminated the greatest threat to mutants, while Lisa says as long as humans are around they'll always be a threat to mutants. You're not going to change your mind though; you've made your decision.

Adonis naturally feels like you've cheated him out his chance to prove himself in true battle against humans. In the years to follow he joins the Dominion army and entertains himself by being cruel to the human subjects. One day in a human settlement called Ashtown, he goes too far and one of them actually fights back. In the ensuing struggle Adonis' face is hit by a small explosion, severely disfiguring his once relatively human looking appearance. Now all that is left is a horrific skinless face and little of his remaining sanity. In retaliation he orders the complete destruction of Ashotwn. When Lisa hears of this she wants even more vengeance and goes over your head as well to order the destruction of another town called Cinderville, by the time you can call a stop to any of this, both places have been razed to the ground and its inhabitants butchered.

Previously the humans under your rule were scared just enough not to start an uprising, some of them were even loyal, you always made sure never to be unnecessarily brutal even though Lisa and Adonis would prefer otherwise; so what occurs next isn't too surprising to you. These events as well as the liberties Adonis has been taking, has pushed them over the realms of fear and into hatred. You begin to have uprisings, and guerilla attacks all over the Dominion, some of the more fanatical ones even launch suicidal attacks on targets in Zeropolis.

You do your best to try to stop the attacks while at the same time trying to still be fair to the humans, but the time for that is long gone. Instead the mutant citizens just think you're being too weak.

More years go by and you're getting assassination attempts by other mutants calling for your blood. Parts of the Dominion begin to splinter as you unsuccessfully attempt to hold everything together. It's just like what happened to the Combine. Now you you're forced to become brutal just to keep everyone in line for a few months, but it's too late, now nobody likes you, not even your family which has been apparent for quite some time, but one time it goes to the point of no return.

One night while you're brooding to yourself in your private chambers, Adonis shows up before you with his own personal guards. You can't say you didn't see this coming as well.

"Old man you are no longer fit to rule the Zero Dominion! I'm taking over!"
"You think you're mother will be the one really running shit, because as far as I can tell you're barely capable of staging a coup."
"SHUT UP! KILL HIM!" Adonis screams.

You might be older, but you're still relatively quick. You dodge for cover as Adonis' guards attempt to kill you. You pull your own weapon and with your usual deadly accuracy you blast every one of them, though Adonis has managed to sneak around behind you at this point. Being dramatic is his downfall as he attempts to slit your throat, but you manage to grab his arm and break it, before he can. He falls to the ground clutching his arm.

"Stupid ass kid, don't bring a knife to a gun fight!" you say standing up.
"Yeah, and don't talk when you have the advantage, old man!" Adonis retorts and a blade from his boot suddenly appears as he kicks up at your stomach, impaling you with it.

You quickly dislodge yourself from the blade and stagger a bit before dropping your pistol. Adonis takes the advantage and side kicks you in the face, this time taking out one of you eyes. Oddly you don't even feel the pain; in fact you're beginning to feel pretty numb to everything right now.

"Mom always said you were weak."
"Yeah, well I'm not the one who's the mama's boy…I think you should call her, you need all the help you can get."

This little taunt throws Adonis off his game and he charges at you. You drop to the floor and trip him. When he falls face first to the ground you immediately shove your knee in his back and break his other arm.

"Sorry son, but your name is Adonis, not Oedipus and you ain't gonna be killing me."

And with that last statement you snap his neck.

Now you start to feel the pain of your wounds, you've lost quite a bit of blood, but you'd probably be able to survive if you had the chance to get to the doctor, but you know you aren't going to get that chance.

Lisa walks in with pistol in hand, and at this point you don't even want to stop her even if you were in a position to do so.

"You killed my poor son, he would've ruled…"
"Think of it this way, now you can eliminate the middle man and just rule directly, just like you've always wanted, just like you did with the Shadow Horde…(groan) I think I'll just rest here for awhile. Yeah that's better."
"You're going to die for what you've done!"
"Yeah, I kind of figured that, look I don't care anymore, don't you see that? It's been nothing but a fucking headache anyway. …now if you're going to shoot, you go ahead, or just let me bleed to death because I just don't care anymore."

Lisa looks genuinely upset, and you don't think it's solely over Adonis. Even after thinking you're unfit to rule or be her husband anymore, she's still reluctant to kill you.

"Goddamn it, what happened to you? Why couldn't you have just done what I wanted? To create a dynasty to last forever!"
All I ever wanted was to live a peaceful life, well that didn't happen for a variety of reasons, but I guess I can say it wasn't boring. And there was the fact that I did get to meet you…Lisa don't prolong this, just do it. It'll be easier for all of us. Tell Venus I love her as much as I still love her mother."

Lisa sheds a few tears and then carries out your request.

Soon after your death Lisa takes over the Zero Dominion and does a much better job than you or Adonis could've ever done. In the years to follow, she restores order and quells all rebellions. She might've even brought in further territory had she not been assassinated by Venus, who always stayed quiet and in the background plotting and waiting for the right moment to strike. Strangely Venus never took over; instead she left Zeropolis and the Dominion altogether, letting it collapse into multiple civil wars until it destroyed itself.

Where she wound up is unknown, but being her father's daughter, it was probably someplace quiet and isolated.
End Of Story