Ground Zero

The whole point of this endeavor was to take control of the town and you're not going to let Jim get that glory. You go find him in the Mayor's Manor still tormenting the mayor and his wife. The mayor is currently lying on the floor bloody and helpless with his legs a useless mess. His wife is naked in a fetal position in a corner just rocking to herself in a state of perpetual shock, its apparent she's been raped over and over. Jim doesn't have anyone else with him, not even have Dan or Ramon, he's all by himself in a drunken stupor at the moment celebrating his new found power, unaware that you're about to relieve him of it.

"Heeeeey! Killer! Its you! Have a drink! This fucker's got some classy shit stashed in his cellar! (Hic!)"
"Nah, that's okay. So I see you've been having fun eh?"
"Me? Oh fuck yeah! The mayor over here has got himself one fine piece of ass! Been tryin' her out every other hour y'know what I mean? HAR HAR HAR!"
"Hmmm, yes." You say looking over at her again, while Jim continues to pontificate.
"Shit man (Hic!) I think me, you, Dan and fuckin' Ramon are the few straight bastards in this gang! Those fuckin' raiders we recruited? I ain't even seen them try to get any of the pussy in this town. They must've been in the wasteland too damn long or somethin', I think they forgot what a god (hic!) damn bitch looks like. Been cornholin' each other so much they went an' fell in love! HAR HAR HAR HAR! (hic!) Ah hell I'm not judgin'. (hic!)"

While Jim wanders into the next room still talking about his gang's sexual preference, you go over to the mayor who's been baring his mental and physical pain in silence the whole time. When you crouch near him and pull your pistol out, he thinks this is it, but you have something "special" in mind. You see that his hands are still in good shape so you keep your voice down and look him in the eyes.

"You're gonna die. Nothing can stop this. Resign yourself to this fact. Life sucks and that's all there is to it." you say unloading your pistol, but keeping one bullet in the chamber.

"…however, you can still get vengeance. I thought you might like to know that I'm the one who planned this attack. I'm the one who orchestrated this town's destruction. A town you no longer have any control over and has had many of its citizens viciously killed thanks to my actions… the fat piece of drunken shit in the next room has personally beaten you and violated your wife, repeatedly. Over and over. In front of you. His fat smelly flesh all over her while he enjoyed it the whole time. Probably shoved his cock in all three holes too huh?"

He looks at you with a mixture of fear, hate, and sorrow, while tears fill his eyes. You place the gun in his hand.

"…well anyway, there's one bullet in the gun. Remember, you got one shot, one chance for vengeance, make your choice. Better hide that, here comes Jim."

Jim comes stumbling back in room, while the mayor holds the gun close to himself in a bad attempt to hide it. The stand back waiting to see what happens next.

"…I mean hell I've fucked a few prags when I (hic!) was in prison, but…hey…what have you got there?" Jim asks seeing the mayor holding something, but not able to make it out clearly due to his inebriated state.

Jim gets closer, closer, and then mayor draws on him. He sobers up just long enough to realize he's got a bullet between his eyes.

"…what the fuuuuuuuuck…" Jim says before falling face first on the floor.

"Wow, that was pretty intense, I mean my own life was on the line there! Whew! But I figured you'd kill Jim, too bad it wasn't the right choice on your part." You say punching the mayor in the face and take your pistol back, loading it again.

"Stupid bastard, didn't it occur to you that I'd do the same thing to your wife?"
"No…don't…" he says looking up at you with blood coming from his mouth, as your own curls cruelly upward.
"Just kidding, I wouldn't stick my dick anywhere near Jim has been. Looks like you made the right choice after all!"

You put the mayor out of his misery and shoot him in the face. You then approach the mayor's wife who's still been rocking to herself this whole time. You look at her a little closer.

"Hmm, you must've been very beautiful before this all happened." You remark, caressing her damaged face, before ending her life as well.

Having had your fun, you go and announce you're the leader now. Unfortunately you don't quite have the charisma or imposing physique Jim had, so not everyone is willing to follow. (Ramon and Dan are among the first ones you kill for disobeying you) What ultimately happens is the town becomes a factional warzone where nobody is really in control and the poor Cinderville townsfolk are caught in the middle. Eventually things stabilize and a few of the "heavy weights" carve out their own territories and there's an unstable peace in the town. Fights still break out, but there's never an imbalance of power or advantage for long. (Though, maintaining a hold on the biofuel refinery gives you a little bit of an advantage…)

Four years pass…

Five years have passed since the bombs dropped and you couldn't be happier. You've accomplished more than you ever did in the old world. World War Three was the best thing that ever happened to you. You've been running your own slice of heaven in this hellish world and had the freedom to live out your true nature, which you've done for the past five years.

And now that freedom could be coming to an end.

Recently through rumors and wandering travelers who have the misfortune of finding Cinderville, you've found out that there's a growing organization trying to "tame" the wasteland. They call themselves The Combine. Apparently they're at war with another organization called the Cybernetic Collective and the Combine's been aggressively taking towns and conscripting the citizens to fight in their war. And now they've come to Cinderville.

They arrive in well taken care of vehicles, with better training, better discipline and better weapons. They begin talking to everybody they can. They aren't going to take the entire town by force, no what they intend to do is to back one of the stronger factions to wipe out the rest, and then absorb their puppet into the Combine to have control over the entire town. You're not fooled.

The question just remains is; are you going to ally with them first, or fight this threat to your freedom?