Ground Zero

If your daughter's going to insist on this foolishness, you're going to make sure you're at least observing her. You travel to New Justice (Formally called Fort Justice) to see Vivica. Lately you and Vivica haven't been agreeing on too much about this, so you end up storming into her office and demanding the position.

"Vivica! I want that City Project job, I don't give a shit who you've already applied the position to already, I'm fuckin' taking it!"
"Sure. You got it. Anything else?" Vivica says not looking up from her writing some document.
"…uh no? You don't mind?"
"Why would I? I asked you to take this position in the first place."
"Yeah I know, but I was sort of an asshole about turning it down before."
"Well I figured you'd come around, even if you don't agree with this project."
"I still don't…I mean don't you think we'll be doing more harm than good by fucking around with the City? I mean the mutants inside don't normally come out, if we start going in, we might be stirring up a bee's nest."

Vivica stop writing and looks at you.

"Let me ask you something…didn't you stir up a bee's nest when you first confronted Alex at Base Pandora twenty years ago? Think about it. Had you not gone in, isn't it possible that he would've actually built up a large enough army of cyborgs and robots to attack us later and we wouldn't have been able to defend against?"
"Well MAYBE, but…"
"How about when we fought those cultists at Eden? Your actions saved a woman who you would later give birth to your daughter. Not to mention that once run down farm house became a great agricultural center that is still a big supplier of AA food today. Not to mention Biofuel."
"Yeah, but…"
"How about standing up to Harry and the Combine? I'm sure you could've easily run away from the situation, but you didn't."
"Well I stayed because of Marina."
"True, but you also stay because deep down you KNEW that the Combine was corrupt and evil and needed to be destroyed and yes the loss was great, to you especially. But look what happened, the Atomic Alliance was created, and is still the closest thing to civilization in this little part of this fucked up world, well that we know of anyway."
"I guess, but…"
"What about the opening of the Shelters? Now I know that's a sore point with you. I know some people blame you for what happened due to that bastard Alex's treachery. I know you probably still blame yourself to a certain degree, but think about it we use most of those Shelters as the major suppliers of food and water now. I don't even think Atomic Alliance would be as prosperous as it is today without them. You've done more for the Atomic Alliance than anyone. Marina always said you never gave yourself a lot of credit for what you were capable of, it's one of the reasons why she always felt the need to push you a bit."
"Okay, but…"
"And you want to know why I wanted you to head this project? Because you're the only one capable of pulling it off. Seriously if anything this shitty new world has taught us is we can't just leave things alone. We have to take a pro-active approach to things just like we always have. I mean sure the mutants aren't leaving the city NOW, but who knows what the hell the future holds? Shouldn't we find out if those muties are forming their own army rather than finding out about it when it's crossing our borders? Shouldn't we find out if they aren't ALL insane freaks and perhaps some of them are even civilized enough to make friends with? You've dealt with situations like this so many times that you're about the only expert on the matter; you always seem to have made the decisions that turned out for the best in the long run. Maybe you aren't running the Alliance, but you ARE the fuckin' founder. So while perhaps you're only taking this position to keep an eye on your daughter, you'll eventually realize that you're doing the right thing anyway, just like you always have."
"…how'd you know that's why I was doing this?" you ask totally surprised.
"Because a few weeks ago Laura snuck into my office begging me to let her join and I told her she better clear it with you. I figured your reaction would've been telling her no, or you would've let her only to demand to be head of the project to keep an eye on her. Glad it was the latter." She says with a grin.

So it happens, you take control of the Project. You organize and plan and all the rest that goes along with it. A relatively large force made up of the best Pandora's combat academy has to offer make a trip to the City. The radiation levels aren't quite as high as expected, but everyone is still expected to wear their radiation suits. While you aren't worried about yourself, you are sort of worried about Laura. Even if the mutants aren't a problem, the higher radiation levels could render her sterile. You never thought about it before, but you would like to have grand-children someday…but if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen. No more regrets or wondering about what could be done differently. You've done enough of that in the past, and Vivica was right, you don't give yourself enough credit for your accomplishments.

You personally go on every patrol Laura does. It embarrasses her a bit, that you're being so over protective, but she appreciates it later when a gang of hungry mutants attack. (Though some snickering is heard later from some of the others in the squad when you help her up, and she has to endure a few taunts of being "Daddy's little girl", but she soon proves to be capable in combat which makes you proud)

After a few weeks of exploration, you find that there's a whole little world going on in the city. There are more factions here than you've ever come across! Some mutants are just mindless cannibals roaming the streets, while others are more organized and vicious. Still others follow weird new religions (Never friendly types in your experience) and others are actually friendly and have collected, fixed and horded lots of equipment over the years and would be willing to trade with "pretties" such as yourselves. (You don't like the way they look at Laura though even if she is in a radiation suit)

Oddly new mutants are being born, not a lot, but a few. Seeing as they're going to be a factor in years to come you guess it would be best to make alliances with the friendly mutants and provide them with help…this of course comes in the form of firepower. Of course you aren't so idiotic to start giving them rocket launchers and such, but ammunition and few extra rifles to your new mutant "friends" can't hurt the balance of power in the city since you don't see it as it ever being fully part of the Alliance. You think it'll always be known as Zeropolis (As the mutants call it) where the mutants live and chaos will always be a way of life where only the fittest survive. Hmmm, just like before the bombs hit actually…

One other good thing about this experience is after her first tour in Zeropolis, Laura decides to pursue a slightly safer career as a member of the Atomic Alliance Police Force. You're beyond relieved.

Thirty years pass…

Fifty years have passed and you're now celebrating the forty fifth anniversary of the founding of the Atomic Alliance at its capital of New Justice, of course you and Ex-President Vivica are about the only ones still alive who were around from the VERY beginning when it was only just "The Compound".

You personally are receiving some sort of honor for all your deeds in making the AA possible. You even get a statue and while you're publicly humble about it, you do secretly really like it. After all you do deserve the recognition, and you're finally being given your credit. After you and Vivica give your speeches and get off stage, Laura hugs you and says how happy she is for you. Your grandson David does as well. You were always happy Laura's fertility wasn't affected by the trip to Zeropolis. Though David's six fingers on each hand display some of the effects, but he's normal in every other way. (If anything he may make a great diplomat to the mutants when he grows up!)

After the grand night of celebration, you go back home to rest. You're really tired. Like you feel like you could sleep forever.

Sometimes it's weird to think that before the bombs hit, you were never really a social person, but then afterwards, you became a warrior, a diplomat and a founder of a new civilization leading people through it all.

"I guess you were right Marina…I always did have it in me…" you say as you drift off to sleep…

You have 1 choice: