Ground Zero

100 years later…

Another night at a small bar in New Justice, Sirus was telling another tale of his latest mission.

"…and so I said to those mutants: Yeah, but after you eat me, who's gonna stop the GZS lawyers from coming here?" Sirus says while the rest of the bar patrons laughed, of course as always there's ONE person that has to be a dickhead.
"Hey Sirus, I wouldn't insult your fellow mutants so much seeing as you're one of them, having six fingers on each hand and all."

Sirus didn't take offense, he'd heard it all before and after his many trips to Zeropolis, he certainly wasn't afraid of some drunk.

"Ah yes, my six fingers…and might I say your wife is very appreciative of them when I touch her in that special way that makes her call out in ecstasy…"
"YOU FUCKING MUTIE BASTARD!" the drunk shouted and clumsily attacked Sirus who nimbly dodged and back kicked him in the head dropping him.

"Ha ha! Let him sleep it off and put his bill on my tab! All of you are my friends tonight! Drinks for everyone!" Sirus said while the entire bar applauded this act of generosity.

"Hey Sirus, you're like a big time Atomic Alliance agent and shit, how come you hang out in places like this?" another patron asked
"Well given that most of my assignments are in Zeropolis, I feel more at home here! Ha ha! No, but seriously I just never was one to associate with the higher class, I much prefer to tell my stories to you folks where it's appreciated."
"Hmm, sounds like they probably just got sick of hearing you brag."
"Quite observant! Give this man another drink!"
"Hey brag all you like, just as long as you're buying!"
"Yes, I have a lot to brag about I suppose, but I'll never be able to top my Great-great-great-grandpa. Now there was a great man. He accomplished so much, and he did it all without any type of innate radiation protection or six fingers on each hand! From what I heard though despite all his accomplishments, he was always a humble and reserved sort. Very serious minded."
"Hmm, you sure you're related?"
"Wondered that myself sometimes, but when I look at that statue, the resemblance is uncanny, well except for the six fingers of course. In some ways I like to think I'm so jovial because he couldn't be. Things were a lot worse back then, I'm sure there was less time for bragging and carousing."

The bar gets silent as Sirus reflected on his ancestor. A sense of great respect welled up inside him as he thought about the statue of you in front of the capitol building. He prevented himself from displaying too much emotion in front of these bar patrons, but it was there as it always would be. Soon he began talking again like his old self, but bragging about a different person.

"You know what that's enough about me for tonight, how about I tell a story about him that's less well known in the history books; in fact my Grandmother told me if it hadn't been for this event, I would not be here today to grace you all with my presence! Now this happened about a hundred and fifty years ago, give or take a year. My ancestor was scouting with his squad and they came upon an old farmhouse…"
End Of Story