Ground Zero

You volunteered and you're going to see it through, might not be that dangerous as you think especially if the place is indeed abandoned.

You spend a few days crossing over hills and some plains. For awhile you think someone's following you, but never see a soul, actually you're wondering about the Geiger counter readings more than anything, but you're guessing there wasn't any nuclear blast the direction you're going. You also guess that seeing trees up ahead is also a good sign. You would've dressed yourself in a radiation suit, but the Colonel kept insisting it wouldn't be necessary and for the mission that Harry was sending some of the others on would need them more.

"Shit! I forgot to take a radio!" you say to yourself finally realizing that it would've been nice to radio in to the Compound if you had something important to report, like being unable to enter the base because snipers were shooting at you.

Happily that doesn't seem to occur when you finally arrive. You almost aren't even sure if you're at the right place at first. The Compound is bigger, then again this place probably has an extensive underground, and as the Colonel said, it was more like a research facility than a proper military base.

Still there's something a little weird about all this, it seems like security would be of major importance for a place like this, yet there's nobody here guarding the outside and you just walked through open gates. Maybe the place is abandoned, but they could all be underground though, (That would certainly be more sensible than wandering around exposing themselves to radioactive windÂ…)

The surface offices and barracks don't look like anyone left in a hurry; in fact a lot of the barracks still have their equipment. (You take some extra ammo for your assault rifle) You search through some of papers you find in the offices, but there's nothing of any importance. Just mundane status reports of personnel guard duties. You find a few letters with GZS logos on them, but again nothing telling you much.

Nothing else for it, but to go underground. You approach the solid metal structure at the far end of the base. Looks like an elevator door with an ATM machine near it. There's a slot and some button, so you're guessing this is where you shove your security pass that the Colonel gave you. Hope it works or you came all this way for nothing. You slide the pass in the slot.

"Identification recognized. GZS wishes you a pleasant day in all your endeavors sir!" a chipper female voice sounds as the elevator door opens.

Not exactly what you were expecting, GZS must've had more input here than the Colonel thought. You're a little nervous as you press the elevator button down, you expect the worst. The elevator eventually reaches its destination and opens up to a corridor. You cautiously exit. You don't get far when a cybernetic being comes from around a corner and points its arm at you, which is doubling as a weapon of some sort, one that would blow a big hole in you.

"Lower your weapon and please come with me sir. Alex will want to see you. Any attempt to attack or escape will be met with extreme use of force."