Ground Zero

You unload a clip into the cyborg, not knowing if your bullets are going to hurt it or not. You manage to do something since you knock it to the ground and you see it spark, before you head for the elevator.

"Hostile detected! Enacting defense systems!" a robotic voice echoes. You begin to panic when the elevator refuses to open and more cybernetic beings come at you. You can't stop them, and you expect a quick death by their weapons, but unfortunately that doesn't occur.

Instead they knock you out and take you to Alex. When you come to you're lying naked, tied to an operating table with a bunch of tubes in you. Alex is hovering over you with a scalpel. He's obviously deranged.

"Well I see I didn't use enough anesthesia, I'll have to apply moreĀ…I also see by this letter and his ring the Colonel sent you. Probably all a ruse of friendship to kill me no doubt. I never did trust him. Well his loss will be my gain. I'm going to remake you. Better, stronger, faster. Just like the Million Dollar Man, except this won't cost any money, just my time. I've been studying about some new cybernetic implants I want to test. I think I know enough about the procedure for it to be successful. You'll thank me for this, trust me. L17 hand me the bone saw."

You pass out again, which is just as well since Alex butchers your body trying to "remake" you. His crude skills fail in the attempt and you die on the surgical table, with Alex cursing about accidentally severing multiple arteries of yours.
End Of Story