Ground Zero

You like Marina and all, but that's about all you like about living at the compound. Being by yourself in the wilderness reminds you of how much you missed it. You have no idea what that secret base holds for you, why should you risk your life for a bunch of practical strangers?

"What the hell was I thinking volunteering?" you say out loud.

You decide to say fuck it, take to the road, and see where it leads you.

A couple days pass and you haven't encountered anyone, then again you are still pretty far from any kind of civilization, of course you don't really mind. Suddenly you find out you aren't alone, when a crack of a rifle shot comes from a nearby hill.

"You fuckin' idiot, you missed!" a voice shouts.
"Yeah and you just gave away our fucking position asshole!" another retorts.

You quickly take cover behind a rock. You recognize those voices though; they're a couple of the idiots from the compound! The Colonel must've had you followed to make sure you stayed on the mission! So much for his so called "faith" in you! (Then again, perhaps he did have a good reason considering you DID go AWOL!)

Looks like you'll have to take care of them before you can truly put the compound behind you.

While you're taking cover, you notice an abandoned gas station nearby; you could make a run for it and take better shelter in there, or return fire.

You have 2 choices: