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Ground Zero

You make a mad dash for the gas station, as bullets just miss your feet and head. The Colonel was thankfully right, they are weekend warriors. The problem you notice now, is there's a crossfire, yet another spy is shooting at you from the other side as well, which means it's a good thing you moved from your position when you did.

You manage to get to the gas station; the shelves have practically been stripped of anything that might be edible or useful. That doesn't matter right now as bullets begin penetrating the already broken glass windows. You hide behind the counter as you hear them advance on your position.

"Yeah, he's hiding inside, we better be careful. Go around and see if there's a backdoor." You hear one shout.

One thing working in your favor is they obviously aren't too bright, now you know one's going to come around the back. You also know one of them is coming through the front door since the tell tale signal bells that jingle when customers used to enter make a noise. You immediately stand up and unleash a burst of hot lead into one of your ambusher. He falls in a bloody heap, then you run towards the backdoor and when you see it just barely creek open, you let fly another burst. The slumping of a lifeless body is heard and you confirm the kill when the wind blows the door open again to reveal a body lying on the ground outside.

You duck down again and scramble around the corner when your last assailant suddenly pops out from that same back door and nearly tears your head off with a shotgun. Victory is yours though when you point your assault rifle around the corner and just fire it, hoping you hit him, you do you hear that always satisfying drop of another body.

After killing all of your enemies you begin to search their bodies, taking what you'll surely need. On one you find a radio, for a moment you wonder how the hell you forgot to take one of these with you, then you remember it doesn't really matter since you never went to the base. You hear a familiar voice coming in right now.

"Leonard! Come in you dickhead! You better gimme some good news!" Harry shouts.

You pick up the radio to answer Harry.

"Sorry, but Leonard can't come to the phone right now, he currently has his face blown off and his tongue on the floor."
"YOU! You fucking cowardly AWOL shit stain! I knew we shouldn't trust you! Don't think you're gonna get away with this! We WILL track you down! And when we do, I will personally blast a hole in your head and skull fuck you! Traitor!"
"Yeah, yeah, we'll see."

You drop the radio and let Harry continue his meaningless rant. Time for you to move on.

A few days pass and nobody else comes looking for you, just like you expected, no doubt they have better things to worry about than punishing one lone outsider. Your brief stay at the compound served its purpose as far as you're concerned. It gave you a place to hide when the bombs hit as well as the necessary supplies with which to sustain you. Getting to have sex with Marina was a bonus.

A somewhat self-serving approach, but that attitude will probably serve you well in this new harsh world and it doesÂ… for awhile.

The day of reckoning eventually comes while you were attempting to waylay a traveler who actually wasn't as alone as she seemed. Your attempt at highway robbery is suddenly cut short in the same brutal way most folks die out in the wasteland; a bunch of bullets to the body.
End Of Story