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Days in the Dorm

Out All Night Alone

After thinking about it you figure she could use some time without you around. Some time to spend with other girls, without having a guy around to muck things up. She may not have said it, but you are sure that's what she really wanted. So you decided to find other lodging and entertainment for the night.

The first things you have to do after classes end it get something to eat and find something to pass the time. The first of these is easy, so you head over to the commissary and use some of your points to get a few slices of pizza. The second is answered while eating. You sit directly across from a flyer posted on the board advertising an all night silent film festival. A place you can sit in the dark with nothing but relatively calm music playing all night.

The festival is being held in one of the two theatres on campus, being shown on the large pull down screen that covers the stage. Dozens of fellow students are filling the first six or so rows, with some other stragglers scattered throughout the place. Most of them are small groups or couples wanting to be able to talk or do other things alone. You take a place near the back, away from most of the rest, so you can fade off if you want to.

About half way through the night you see that most of the couples are no longer watching the movies, and you find them to be a little more interesting than the films most of the time. You are shocked at how far some are willing to go in public and even occasionally showing a nice flash of flesh. The more you think about it the more it excites you to think about doing it and more.

It was a long night, and he did end up sleeping through most of The Train Job and all of three other classics. It wasn't the most restful sleep, but at least it was some sleep. You are roused by the lights coming up at the end of the festival and look around to see that only a handful of others seemed to have stuck it out to the end.

You get up and head out into the morning light. You can't believe you are actually up this early and still seem to be rather tired and sore from sleeping in those seats. You figure it would be fine to head home, but decide to stop off and get some breakfast first. For some reason bacon and eggs sounds nice about now.

After eating you head back to your room and slip inside. You expected to see the two of them, or at least Samantha, but instead the room is empty. You shrug it off and strip down to your boxers before crawling into bed. At least this gives you a chance to get a couple hours of rest before you have to get to class today.

You are nearly asleep when the door opens and Sam comes in wrapped in a towel. She drops it and starts for her dresser when she sees you. Not bothering with the clothes yet she veers off to stand near the bed and talk to you. You look up at her beautiful naked body and smile.

"You have a nice night out?" She asks in a rather blank voice.

"Not bad." You say, trying to sound sincere. "How about you?"

She finally smiles and the warmth returns to her voice. "It was nice. Dar is a great girl. You'd like her."

You smile and nod. "Perhaps I'll get to meet her some other time."

"Perhaps sooner than you think. She is coming over again tonight. You going be around?"

You shrug. "I still don't want to intrude, but if you keep inviting me I may just have to show up."

She moves away from the bed, and you crane your head to watch her perfect ass as she replies. "Good. I'll introduce you."

She then gets dressed and heads out for an early class while you fade out for your all too brief rest. After which you head to class and are left with the same decision you had to make the night before.