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Days in the Dorm

Enter Darline, Raven Haired Goddess

As soon as your class ends you make your way home to your room, wanting to be able to get some of your homework done before Sam and her friend show up. Not that you expect anything to happen, but you'd rather have your time free so you can hang out with them without having to think about classwork waiting for you.

You have most of it done when you hear the key in the lock and the girls come in. You turn your head away from the work and smile at them. They are giggling and her friend waves at you as they keep talking.

Her friend is very attractive. A slightly tall but curvy girl with amazingly long black hair, much like you've seen on Native American models in magazines, but her skin is very pale so you doubt she is. She is dressed in a black skirt and a tight tee-shirt that clings to her incredible huge breasts. You get some naughty thoughts glancing at her, but also think she would make a great looking Goth Girl with the right make-up and dress.

Sam finally stops and turns to face you, waving one hand out as if presenting you to her friend. "Dar, I'd like you to meet my roommate Dan."

Dar smiles and says, "Nice to meet you."

Sam instantly turns to look at her and puts her hand out just as she did for you. "Dan, this is Darline, but we all just call her Dar."

"Nice to meet you too." You say, putting out your hand to shake hers. She leans in and takes it. Her skin is very soft as you shake and notice that she has amazing light blue eyes, which are staring right at you.

The two of you break and she turns back to Sam and starts to talk again. You try to fit into the scene, but they are really just talking about girly things and you find yourself with nothing to say most of the time, so you slowly just pull out and move back to your desk. Soon enough you are lying back on your bed, reading a book, and the two of them are still talking away.

The evening wears on and they move up onto Sam's bed to talk some more while resting. You try not to listen to them, more out of the fact that they are boring than for any privacy reasons, but when the sound stops you notice. They must have fallen asleep or something. You rationalize. At least one of them has.

You know you were wrong when you see the shirt falling off the bed and hear some movement as they shift around. You have flashes of a million things go through your mind as to what they are doing up there and it drives you a little bonkers with excitement. Without thinking about it you stand up to look.

Sam is sitting back on her bed with her shirt off and Dar is lying on top of her suckling her huge breast while playing with the other. You stare at them for a moment, but you quickly realize how out of place your sudden appearance must seem to them. You quickly act like you were on your way to the bathroom when you noticed them and leave the room as quietly as possible.

You start to pace back and forth in the bathroom, thinking about what was going in your room right now. Here I am, You try to work things out in your head. Living with this amazing beautiful roommate who has no problem with getting naked in front of me. Now she's making out with another great looking girl. In my own room, no less. I am either the luckiest man in the world or this is the beginning of my own personal hell.

You start to try to figure out your options and what could be happening here. If it turns out she is just a lesbian who has no modicum of modesty this is going to slowly drive me mad over the next year or so. If, however, she turns out to be bi-sexual and I am able to work myself into the mix somehow I will be in co-ed heaven. Of course there is always a third option. She could be an open bi-sexual who will never have anything to do with me, which would also drive me slowly insane. You shrug to yourself in the mirror. So no matter how I look at it I am either the luckiest man in the world or about to go slowly insane.

Okay. You try to compose yourself strongly in the mirror. Come one Dan. You have to figure out how you are going to play this. Should I act on it now? Or should I play it cool and wait for them to act, or at least morning.

You set your face and let out a big sighing breath before heading back to the room.

You walk into the room to see them both as naked as can be. Darline is lying face down between Sam's legs and is eating her out. Sam is sitting there, obviously enjoying this act, and playing with her own breasts, even licking the nipples. You stagger internally as your brain wraps around the sight before walking over to the bed and standing there staring at them.

Looking up and down the lengths of the lovely single form they have become, you start to smile despite yourself. Your eyes slide up Darline's long legs, slowly widening onto her round hips that frame her great smooth ass. You let your eyes continue past her thin waist and up her arching back, which is partially covered by her long black hair. The joined form continues up between Sam's spread slender legs and over her flat belly. You pause momentarily on her wonderful huge breasts with the small pink nipples, as she caresses them with her own hands.

Your eyes rise to meet hers. You smile at her in the warmest way you can muster. You can tell she was watching you this whole time since you came back into the room, but she doesn't return the smile. A few more moments pass, as you glance up and down them again, before you pull your shirt off over your head.

She immediately gives you a stern look and shakes her head, as if to warn you of your actions, but you aren't sure you believe her. It all rides on this moment. You have to decide how to act right now.