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Days in the Dorm

Smoother Talker

With a smirk firmly in place you wink at her and say, "Well, it does make it hard, but in a good way."

She giggles and a big grin crosses her face. "Well, as long it's only in a good way. I can live with that."

"I don't see how having a hot girlie like you walking around half naked and stripping in front of me can be anything but good."

She blushes and her smile widens. "I'm glad you like what you see."

"What's not to like?"

"Well," She says with a little roll of her eyes, "I am a woman, so I can tell you all sorts of things that are wrong with me and what's not to like about my body, but I know you won't agree or see most of them so why point them out?"

You nod, putting a fake understanding look on your face. "But if you ever need me to look you over closely for any of these so called problem spots, I am offering my services."

She smirks and rolls her eyes at you again. It appears that your banter seems to be working well on her. "I bet you are, danny boy."

You put your hands up, as if to show you are not meaning to offend, put on a fake serious face. "Hey, I was just offering. These hands only go where invited."

"I bet," she snorts. "Although I am sure what constitutes an invite could be called into question."

"I take verbal, written, visual, Visa, Master Card, or Discover, but no American Express or implied invites."

Sam snickers at that one and you smile. No words are exchanged, but the two of you glance back and forth a few moments before she tries to go back to her homework. You do the same, but the two of you keep casually glancing at each other and occasionally snickering.

After a few more short, but meaningless verbal interactions, and a couple hours of reading and homework on both your parts the two of you decide it's time for bed. She stretches out and you pass to turn off the room light. As you walk by you feel a firm slap on your ass and quickly turn to see Sam smiling at you.

"Good night." She coos. "Sweet dreams."

She turns to start climbing into her bunk and you see her perfect ass peeking out from under her shirt, as she starts to move in slow motion. You know it's just your perception of the moment but it sure seems like it. A million things pass through your mind at that moment, but you have such little time to react that you have to quickly choose what you are going to do.