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Days in the Dorm

Amazingly Unashamed

You sit up and get into a comfortable position on the bed, still half under your covers. Sam turns, still quite naked, at the sound of your movement. Her face is a mixed expression of shock and strange questioning. She doesn't exactly look upset, but more worried.

You smile at her and say, "Good morning."

Her expression changes to one of more relief and comfort. She starts to pull on her panties and returns the pleasantries. "Good morning yourself."

You stretch a little and look her up and down while she slips on her bra. Before you say anything more she smiles slightly and asks, "I take it you like what you saw?"

"I sure ain't complaining." You say with a sly smirk. "I have to admit. You are very nice on the eyes."

"Thanks." She replies with a slight blush, as she pulls on her blouse. "So I take it your not bothered by my nudity or anything."

"No, not at all." You reply with a slightly confused look. "In fact I rather enjoyed it."

She smiles with a slight blush again. Pulling on her pants she says, "Good. I'm glad to find out your not some weirdo or prude or something. I was realty getting tired of having to change in the bathroom or be stuck sitting around in uncomfortable clothes all day. Now that I know you don't mind I can change whenever I feel like it."

You smile at the thought and say, "Feel free. Any time you want to strip down in front of me I won't complain."

She gives you a look that you aren't quite sure what it means, the kind of look a kid gives when they know they are being fooled. Then with a shake of her head he says, "I'm just glad I can be comfortable and safe changing in here. You are free to do the same. But right now I have to get to class."

She grabs her bag and heads for the door. You softly yell after her, "Have a great day," but aren't sure if she heard it since the door closed in the middle of it. You are pleased since that went rather well. She seems to have been hoping for this outcome and now you know you will get plenty of opportunities to at least look at her in the nude.

You are happy the rest of the day, not only because of what happened this morning, but because you only have one class and then the rest of the day off. You waste most of it daydreaming again and sitting at home, playing on the computer. That is, at least, until she gets home.

She walks in and you look over at her. She smiles at you and drops her bag onto her desk before starting to peel off her clothing without hesitation. First her shirt, and then her pants. They both go flying into the hamper while she starts on her bra, exposing her huge tits for the first time in normal daylight that you have seen. She then quickly flips off her panties and renders herself completely naked again.

You sit there, nearly slack jawed, and stare at her beauty. She smirks and turns around to head over to her dresser drawers in the wall. You watch her perfect ass wiggle as she walks and manage to close your mouth before she turns back. She pulls out one of her long tee-shirts and slips it on, but doesn't bother to put on panties with it. Not that it really matters since the shirt is long enough to cover everything, but the idea of her being pantyless seems to be more exciting to you.

"Ahh!" She sighs as she slides down into her chair at her desk. "This feels so much better than before. I love that I can be comfortable while at home."

"That's all I want." You say as casually as you can muster. "For you to be comfortable in your own home."

She smiles and gives you a sideways glance. "I bet getting to see me naked doesn't make it that hard for you to want that."

You snicker at her words, but then carefully think of your reply.