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Much of Nothing

Your eyes meet Dan's and his gaze speaks volumes of the comfort of the bench. Your thighs and feet beg you to agree with him, and after some thought, you decide that he is right.

You put your hands to cone your mouth so that you can call her back to the bench when you realize that you have no idea what her name is. You pause momentarily before calling out without such knowledge.

"Hey!" You call, "Let's just chill on the bench for a minute!"

She stops walking and turns around, arms out to her sides. "You gotta be fucking kidding me!" She exclaims.

You don't answer her and she begins walking back to the bench with her head hanging low. When she comes closer you can hear that she is muttering some pretty vulgar curses under her breath.

"You lazy bastards," she says when she returns.

"This bench is all kinds of comfortable." Dan says with a withdrawn and layed back voice. His head is resting on his shoulder when you look at him, his breath coming heavy. Sweat covers his beet red cheeks and runs in rivulets down his face.

She reaches the bench not long after, cursing under her breath. "You guys really are some lazy-ass sons of bitches, you know that?"

"We're aware," Dan responds.

She reaches into her shirt pocket and pulls out a joint. "I guess we'll be smoking this here, then." She says, flicking a lighter to life and applying the flame to the end of the reefer stick. She takes in a huge puff of smoke and hands it for you to take.

It is as you reach for the joint that you decide to ask about her name. You press the jay to your lips and inhale the THC laden smoke from within. Then you hold it out for Dan to take.

"What the fuck is your name, anyway?" You ask while trying to hold in as much smoke as possible.

She smiles a bit. "My name is Terri," She informs you. "I was wondering when you'd admit to not knowing it."

"It wasn't until I realized it that I could admit to it," You reply.

The two of you laugh and the joint goes around in a counter-clockwise circle until it becomes very small and Dan inhales too hard. A loud sucking noise is followed by a choke as Dan clutches at his throat, the remains of the roach lodged in his throat.

Terri and you laugh hystericaly at this for some time before you realize that Dan really is choking. You look to the girl and see a visage of panic strewn accross her face. You decide quickly that she will be of no use.

It is up to you to save your freinds life.