Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The demon scam

Naria stares at you with horror and then takes a step back, a little hiss escaping her lips. "You can't be..! Don't you know that it's forbidden for you to be here!?"

You wince and say in a low voice, "I'm sorry... I wanted to save Merle..."

Naria seems rather shocked and looks upon you as if you had a contagious deceace. "I can't help you! You understand that, don't you!?"

You close your eyes, feeling dizzy with the pain. "...."

Naria looks at your pale face and bites her lip. "Damn it all..." she says, "I will save you from this death, but I cannot protect you from my own kind! Do you hear me?" She steps over to you and places a hand on your bleeding side and you can feel the wound closing up and your strength return.

Feeling pretty dazed, you open your eyes and try to sit up straight. "Thank you..." Naria looks at you grimly. "Don't be too grateful. I only cast a spell on you that makes you FEEL as if your strength is back. It is not really, so if you push yourself, you will still die."