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Like all terrified children, you run to the one of the only two people you truly believe can fix everything - your mother.

You leave the sounds of the fighting behind you, but can't stop the soft whimpers from escaping you. You're running as fast as your nine-year-old legs can take you, but you still feel that you could never be fast enough.

You may have only caught a glimpse of the two fighters, but the face of the one you don't know is engraved in your mind. Your feeling of hatred towards him is the only thing keeping you going. Your breathing is coming in pained gasps, and your legs are trembling slightly.

It takes a little while to get to the hut where you and your parents live. You stumble over to the door, and bang hard on it, screaming for your mother.

"What is it? Asahi?!" Your mother almost falls out of the door of the hut, hugging you close. "What are you *doing* out here?!"

"It's Daddy!" you scream , clutching hard at your mother. "He's going to die!"

Your mother turns pale, and straightens up, holding you tightly. "We need to go and get some of the other soldiers!"

However, something tells you that it's going to be too late.

What do you want to do?

You have 2 choices: