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Interdimensional Traveler

After your second joint, you are really baked. The room starts spinning. But you've never felt more alive! You walk up to the counter and try to get another joint. "Sorry, you've already had too much." replies the clerk.

Enraged, you take a swing at her. People look at you as if you've just murdered someone. People are shocked at you, as if you are doing something horribly wrong. 90 seconds later, police arrive, in full riot gear.

"Come out with your hands up, motherfucker!"

"Wow...all this over taking a swing at a store clerk?" you say to yourself. This world must be run by someone who used to work RETAIL! (Man, wouldn't this have been awesome back home when you were working at the movie theatre?)

You have clearly made a mistake that is going to cost you a long chunk of your life if you do not act quickly. Thankfully, you have the Interdimensional Traveler. You also suddenly realize that you are still carrying a .38 in your pocket.