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Jezirea reached in to her sack and pulled out a dull silver peice.

Her voice became mocking. "Would this help you remember the golem?"
She was getting impatient.

The boy hesitated, then snatched the coin from her fingers.
Jezirea started, ready to give chase if the boy fled with her money, but he only pocketed it before turning back to her.

"You can find the entrance due west of here."
That was all he said. Jezirea hesitated.
"Is that it?" She asked, wondering why she wasted a silver peice on that near usless bit of information.

The boy shrugged. "There's a lot of entrances, but that one's the closest to the chamber you're looking for."

"Can you tell me anything about the golem itself?"
Work for your money before I strangle you, kid.

"It looks like a person."

That caught Jezirea off guard. "You mean, like a real person?"

The boy nodded.

This was an odd development, and if she could get it to work or find a way to sell it it, this would make it even more valuable.

Most golems were made from clumps of clay and earth, or rarer, ice. They resembled humans in that they appeared to have two legs, two arms and something that vaguely resembled a head... But if this one actually looked human... and it actually worked... This could be the find of a life time.

"Thanks kid." She rubbed his head affectionately as she stood, almost hoping it annoyed him, and then set off west.

She had hoped for better directions, but you took what you could get.
Jezirea ended up walking in circles through the forest for hours on the western side of town. The kid hadn't bothered to mention roughly how far it was, and there was the possibility that she could walk right past it without even realizing it.
Come to think of it, she didn't know what she was really looking for either.
Jezirea sighed, and then suddenly shrieked.

She had slipped, as if falling down a sloped hill, but stopped after only a few seconds. She had slid in to the entrance way of a tunnel.

The tunnel had been almost entirely covered in leaves and other debree from the forest and she hadn't even seen it.
But now it was found.

The entrance way was small, but sloped down and when it had gone far enough down it evened out in to a tunnel with enough room for her to stand up in.

She hadn't thought to look for wood she could make in to a torch, but now that she thought about it, the walls seemed to be glowing.
Upon closer inspection she found that the wall was made of an unknown, black material which seemed to emit its own light. It had little streaks of red light almost flowing through it.

She reached her hand up to touch the wall. It was warm.

She continued down the path slowly, unsure as to whether she should turn back or not.
She had seen some strange things before, but this was really odd. She had never seen anything like it, and wondered what for of magic made the walls glow warmly.

As she walked on; her footsteps the only sound echoing down the hallway, she became aware of a hum. It was hard to describe, but the air was filled with something other than silence.

She continued on, not knowing how long she had been walking when she suddenly came to a fork.
Great. The little brat didn't mention anything about this...

You have 2 choices: