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Without really bothering to think about it, Jezirea took the right fork. She walked on for a few minutes, keeping her hand on the wall for support. The tunnel began to slope down, and after a while Jezirea wondered how far down it went and whether or not she had taken the right fork.

She was just beginning to wonder if she should turn back when she took a step forward, and her feet met open air.
With a surprised shriek, jezirea went tumbling down through the darkness. Terror grasped her heart as she fell, not knowing how far it would be to the floor below.

As few seconds later, she was sprawled on her back with the wind knocking out of her. She lay there for a while, motionless, and trying to catch her breath and calm her racing heart.

She sat up finally, and looked around. She couldn't see the roof, and had no way of knowing how far up it was.
This area also appeared to be bigger. The glowing red lines were still present, but they were much dimmer, and appeared farther away.
Jezirea stood, and stumbled towards them. She found that they were indeed farther away. Now, instead of being in a tight passage way, she was in a large, spacious room.

She fumbled around, looking for a peice of wood to light a torch, but couldn't find anything suitable. Finally, she attempted to explore the room through the darkness.

And there, in the center of the room was an oddly shaped piller. Jezirea couldn't see at all, but she ran her hands over it for a moment, before quickly pulling away.
If she wasn't mistaken, the object had felt as if it were covered in real human flesh.
Hesitantly, Jezirea reached up again, and ran her hands across the object. This time she encountered a face.

She jumped back, slighlty disturbed, but then remembered what the boy had said; that the golem looked human.
Was this it? Surely it had to be.
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