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If she didn't find anything, she could always backtrack.

On a whim, Jezirea went left. She had barely entered in to the passage way when she heard a dull thud behind her, followed by a slow hissing noise.
She turned quickly, and found herself facing a wall.
She spun about, confused, before turning back to what used to be the passage she had just come from.

Jezirea cursed. There was nothing but solid wall.
What is this?

She stood there for a moment before pounding her fist uselessly against the wall. It didn't budge.

She turned and faced the dark tunnel that stretched out before her.
She suddenly found herself very afraid to take another step, but staying here in this dead end, which was who knows how far underground, would only end up with her starving to death.

She took a deep breath to try to calm her nerves, and then briefly wondered how good the circulation was down there.

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