Final Quest Version 2

"How much is a room for the night?" you ask.

"Two gold pieces," the inkeeper replies, staring hard at you, just daring you to argue.

You don't, even though he really is charging you too much. You hand over the money without a word, and the inkeeper takes you up the stairs. He hands you a key to a door at the far end of the corridor with a scowl, and then heads back down to the bar.

Given the state of the tavern, you had been rather expecting a dirty, small, untidy room. However, you are pleasantly surprised to find that the room is spacious, and appears to be kept clean.

You are more tired than you realise. Locking the door behind you, you remove your boots, and undo your sword belt as well as the clasp on your cloak. You place them on the floor next to you, where you will be able to get to them quickly should there be a need, and then lie down on the bed.

Presently, you are asleep, and you don't see the shadow that enters your room and lightly touches your sleeping form...

You have 1 choice: