Alpha Wolf

You briefly entertain the idea of rushing Igor, he wouldn't be able to get all of you, but you're not ready to risk death at the hands of some deformed assistant after you already killed Victor and Frankie. You need to buy some time.

"Alright Igor, just calm down. It's over Vic and Frankie are dead. You don't have to get pushed around by either one anymore and you got this whole castle as inheritance! I just did you a favor."
"A favor? A favor? You killed my younger brother you ASSHOLE!"

You quickly put two and two together.

"Vic? Victor was your brother? Your younger brother?"
"He damn well better have been, after all the abuse I took from him! You know what it's like being abused by your younger brother on a daily basis for YEARS?"
"Not really, I killed all my brothers soon after we were born. I wasn't sharing. Survival of the fittest and all." You say dryly.
"Really? Well I envy you. I wish I had that option. But nooo. Mom liked Vic best. Vic was handsome. Vic wasn't deformed, Vic this. Vic that! Look after Vic, Igor. Make sure he doesn't get into trouble Igor. He's your younger brother and you have to protect him Igor. I was the first born! Why didn't Igor get any love?! I was the smart one!"
"Yes you were. I mean if it hadn't been for you Vic wouldn't have even created Frankie." You say.
"Damn straight! I was the one who kept his ass alive! I'm the one that corrected all his idiot ideas when it came to updating Frankie! I'm not stupid like everyone says! I'm smart! And I demand respect! And I never fucking got it! I just got a fucking whip to the hump!"

At this point Igor is ranting so much about hating his brother and his self-pity, he's not aiming his weapon at you any longer. You take advantage of the situation and rush at him, he's not quick enough to react and you knock him to the ground before eviscerating him. Oddly after all that ranting, he dies gurgling an apology.

"I'm sorry Vic…I tried…gurgle…"

You shake your head at Igor's misguided loyalty, while the Pack surrounds you.

"We won! You rule Wolf! What now?" one of them asks.
"Dunno, didn't expect to survive really…so did you get all this on camera Mary?" you ask out loud, startling the wolflings.

Mary comes out of hiding, with a camcorder.

"How did you know I was here?" she asks
"Please, I don't forget a scent, especially one that I know quite intimately. So let me guess. You're going to exploit this footage for financial gain right?"
"Well yeah. When you left the studio I followed you a bit and found out you were heading here. At first I wanted to protect and help my family so I got here before you."
"What changed your mind?"
"I realized what a bunch of miscreants and fuck ups they all were! What was I supposed to do? Be like Igor and stay loyal to a bunch of reprobates that wouldn't appreciate it anyway? It's not like they're REALLY my family. So I just decided to film the epic battle since you ruined my original movie by taking this lot with you."
"I take it you didn't care who won though."
"Not really, but if it makes you feel warm and squishy inside I suppose I was rooting for you more. You were the underdog after all…hey! That's a great title for the movie!" Mary exclaims.

The Wolflings get a little restless about all this.
"Hey shouldn't we do something, I mean she's part of this fucked up family, and she's trying to exploit us!"
"Ah see now this is another lesson I can teach you guys. You don't need to be an asshole all the time, especially when there's some benefit for not doing so. A lesson I probably should've obeyed more when I was your age. Mary's little movie is made purely for exploitation, but its GOOD exploitation. It'll show everyone who we are and that we're NOT to be fucked with! This isn't some shitty family movie. This is raw footage of werewolves doing what they do best, kicking ass! We couldn't ask for better publicity. AND I assume we'll be getting some money for this right Mary?"

Mary looks a little reluctant, but she realizes she has to give you something.
"Right Wolf."
"That's what I thought. Now the battle is good and all, but you'll need to pad it out more, I say you start doing interviews with us. We can make this into a documentary! If you need more footage, we can always go bust up a bar…"

And so it happens, Mary releases "Underdogs: The Inner Mind of the Wolf" in a bunch of pansy art theatres at first where it's critically acclaimed. Later it gets released it regular theatres where most people like it mainly due to the brutal violence and your "colorful" interviews. You even win an award.

The movie makes Werewolves "cool" again and you're never out of work anymore, which is a good thing since Ginger gave birth to a litter of cubs which YOU have to pay to support! You come home every day to the little nippers biting your ankles for your attention.

Still, life is good and you once again have achieved the fame and fear you deserve.
End Of Story