Alpha Wolf

Just as Frankie charges you again, you throw the pole as hard as you can at him like a spear. Bullseye! Literally. The pole slams into his left eye and straight through his head. It still doesn't slow him down though and you just barely get out his way.

Frankie stops his attack for a moment and attempts to remove the pole, but you and another wolfling don't miss the opportunity. The pole is quite long and you grab it from the front, while the other grabs it from the back and you both run clockwise around Frankie. All the titanium plating in the world isn't going to protect him from massive head trauma.

"RARRRRGH! BRAIN!" Frankie yells as half of his head comes apart. As he attempts to keep his brains from falling out, and that's when the rest of the pack begins to beat his head in even more with various blunt objects. He's still putting up a fight though.

"NO! STOP! FRANKIE! MY SON!" you hear Victor scream over the loudspeaker.

Victor's voice sounds like its very close. You see another door in the lab, and you've got a really good feeling that he's behind it.

You leave the wolflings to finish off Frankie, and run to open the door.

And there he is, Victor Frankenstein…

Or what's left of him at least, he's just a brain in a jar, hooked up to various machines now.

"Wow, Vic. I always knew you were a terrible mad scientist, but I would've thought you'd be able to at least create a robot body for yourself, or a youth elixir or something!"
"Shut up Wolf! You haven't won! I've still got…"
"What? What've you got? Nothing! Unless you're a giant space brain from Venus or some shit, you can't do anything to me. And you ain't, so…"
"Wait! Wolf! Can't we talk about this?"
"Oh like you wanted to talk to me, when you fed me drugged meat?"
"Oh yeah…you're not still mad about that are you? I mean you did kill me for it…"
"Yeah, and I should've stuck around to make sure you stayed dead. Well no mistakes this time."

You take Victor's brain out of the jar.

"NOOOOOOOO……" are the last words to come out of the loud speakers before you step back into the lab where Frankie is flailing wildly at the wolflings who are carefully standing out of harms way as they continue to make quick strikes as him. He's badly damaged and blind. Not deaf though. You call over to Frankie who turns around when he recognizes your voice.

"Hey Frankie, your Dad wants to talk to you, he's got a lot on his mind." You say and then throw Victor's brain into what remains of Frankie's face. The brain splatters into bloody pieces, while you follow up with a quick and vicious attack.

You sink your fangs deep into Frankie's shoulder until it hits the bone, where upon you rip off the arm at the socket. The rest of the pack follows your lead and help you rip Frankie apart, until he's reduced to the pieces that made him up in the first place.

"Damn, I think I broke a tooth on that fucking metal plating." You say breathing heavily.
"We won Wolf! You were right! This was fun! I felt the primal instinct and everything!" one of the wolflings exclaims.
"Yeah and right now all of you are going to be feeling silver burning through your bodies." Igor says standing in the lab door exit, pointing that infernal arm weapon at you all.

You have 2 choices: