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Alpha Wolf

Even though you're sure that the burning smell is probably where Vic is at, the sweet smell is so out of place here, you're compelled to follow it. You tell the wolflings to follow the burning smell while you investigate the other one. They look a little unsure of being without you leading them, but they follow your instructions. Carefully avoiding traps, you travel further to different parts of the castle where the sweet smell starts getting so strong it's almost sickening, until you finally get to a closed door.

You open the door to an elegant bedroom. The smell pervades the entire area. Someone soaked this place in perfume and there you see Mary standing there in a see-through nightgown. You're genuinely surprised to see her here.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to resist. I knew you'd follow this scent. it's the very perfume I used to wear when we had our affair."
"Mary? What the hell are you doing here and why the hell did you douse the room in the shit?"
"I know you don't like the dead smell, I don't like it either. I makes me remember that I'm not alive…I never was."
"Yeah, well this smell isn't too pleasant either. Whew!"
"You know out the many, many…many lovers I had, you know you're the only one that made me feel alive? Like a real woman, instead of collection of parts as you've pointed out so accurately so many times."

Mary begins to get closer to you.

"Look Mary I ain't got time for this reminiscing bullshit, I'm on a mission of kicking ass right now and you'd do well to stay out of my way. Why are you here anyway?" you ask again.
"I figured after you left the studio, you'd be in a wicked mood. I thought you'd probably just take your pack and smash up a bar or something. I followed you for a bit and found out you were planning on coming here. Look. I understand that my family has wronged you in many ways. My dad has, Frankie has, and I know I have, but I can't let you kill them. I know they're all fucked up and even I don't like them, but they're still my family such as they are. Wolf you already got your revenge a long time ago. I mean you beat the hell out of Frankie and ended his career and I heard tales about how you even killed my Dad once before he created either of us. What's this all going to prove? My dad isn't any match for you now. He's barely alive. Frankie has been just lying on a slab for years. Dad took him apart in an effort to fix him. That's the only experiment he's talking about and he's nowhere completed. Dad spends all his time with the insane idea of revitalizing Frankie for a come back. I tell him that it isn't going to happen, but he continues anyway. There's no battle here Wolf. Just a lot of empty dreams and delusions."

At this point she takes your paw and brushes her other hand against your fur.

"Please Wolf, just let my family live. If you have any lingering feelings for me that I know you once did, just call off your attack."