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Alpha Wolf

For a moment you almost believed her. For a moment she almost displayed real emotions and feelings.

For a moment you almost were a complete idiot, except you remember the old prejudice that you've never forgotten:

"No matter how much the Undead try to mimic feelings, they have none."

You hear a click of a wall opening up. You see a metal arm point out and run out of the room, pushing Mary in the way. Igor opens fire and Mary takes king's ransom in silver to her body, toppling her over with a heavy thud. She's not dead, but she'll need some new parts and a major stitch job.

"Igor, you fucking idiot!" she yells from the floor attempting to get up. "Go help Dad! Wolf's probably on his way there!"

If Mary knew you were coming back, she probably wouldn't have dismissed Igor so quickly. She manages to stand up just as you stand in the doorwayÂ…with a torch.

"You know what I like about these old castles? They always have torches and candles lighting the corridors." You say.
"Even in my present condition, you won't get close enough to use that thing!" Mary says with defiance.
"Save your feeble threats, but I don't need to get close, you doused your room with perfume in your overly elaborate and dramatic attempt to trick me. Bye bye baby."

Mary's eyes widen as you dump the torch on the floor which lights up the room spectacularly. Mary attempts to get out of flames, but all the silver in her body makes her too heavy and she falls over again.

"Hmm, maybe the undead do have emotions. She certainly looked scared and sounds like she's in pain." You say as you leave to catch up with the rest of the pack.

You don't get far when you see the wolflings running towards you. Many of them are wounded, some badly.

"What's going on?" you ask, stopping one of them.
"It's too damn big! It's unstoppable! We really tried! Honest!"
"Frankie! He's been heavily modified. He doesn't look at all like he did the old pictures I've ever seen of him!"

No sooner have you been informed when you hear that damn loud speaker again, the remaining wolflings run past you.

"You see Wolf! You see! While you've been wasting away in that shitty cabin, I've been preparing for my son's come back! You stole his woman! You ended his career! You didn't just damage him physically, you damaged his mind! Scarred him emotionally! It's taken me YEARS to undo the damage!"
"Damaged his mind? He was a psychopathic serial pedophile made of corpses! What the fuck kind of damage could I have done? And Mary never liked him anyway!" you retort.
"She could've learned! He could've too! They just needed more time! But YOU! You prevented all that! You and your dog dick!"
"For fuck's sake I wasn't the only one fucking her!"
"Yes, but you're the one who did it the longest and destroyed my poor boy's career! You're going to pay! Frankie look who we have here! And old friend, why don't you go and give him a big hug?"

Victor goes into his mad scientist laugh yet again, and Frankie "2.0" comes lumbering down the hallway, he's definitely got that cybernetic look now.

"FRANKIE BEAT YOUR HEAD IN." He says with a booming voice.

Still as verbal and articulate as ever.
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