Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Alpha Wolf

You tell everyone to get the hell out of Igor's range and take cover. Fortunately Igor's gun-arm isn't the best design and he's having problems aiming and standing still due to the recoil, so you all manage to hide behind some nearby rocks

Still, there's no way you're going to be able to scale the front gate with Igor on that damn tower.

"See I knew this was a bad idea!" one of the wolflings says.
"How are we supposed to get past that? I'm pretty sure he's firing silver bullets at us."
"Oh I KNOW he is. Hence the reason why I told everyone to get out of the way. Okay so we're not going through the front gate, the castle's a big place right? Igor's only guarding the front. I say we split up and scale the walls on the sides and around the back. We'll meet up inside the castle."
"Yeah, but won't there be other defenses?"
"Probably. So you better be fucking prepared! This ain't no damn game. You cubs think you're really tough when in fact you've probably never had a real challenge. This is it. Don't think about backing out now. This is where we truly test the idea of survival of the fittest. Damn, my blood is starting to feel that rush! Don't you all feel it? I haven't felt this way since they sent a group of ten "werewolf assassins" to put me down. Shit. They never tried that again! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

While you're reveling in gruesome nostalgia, your pack is looking at you like you've completely lost it. And they're probably right. However, your speech seems to have stirred something in them.

"The crazy old fossil's right! I remember having to hear about similar stuff my grandfather used to talk about all the damn time. I never really paid any attention to it before. Now I think I understand. We need to prove our skills to truly be proud to call ourselves werewolves!" one of them states.
"Now that's the attitude I'm talking about!"

You all huddle in the rain and make a howling noise in unison to the moon and proceed with your plan. You all split up into a couple of groups and begin to scale the side and back walls, which really isn't all that difficult. You know Igor's probably ran off to warn Vic though. All you can think is, he better have something better than just Igor and Frankie defending him.

As you prowl around in the courtyard, you hear moaning and the clomping of several footsteps. You and your group turn to see some of Vic's defenses.

"Zombies? Are you fucking kidding me Vic? I thought you'd at least have some robots or something!" you say to yourself. Though upon a second look, you see that the horde of corpses aren't actually zombies. Zombies are complete corpses brought back to life. These things look more like Frankie, except designed even worse. A lot of them have arms and legs in odd places. Some have a couple of heads or extra limbs. Most aren't even stitched together neatly, there are just giant rivets and spikes sticking out, holding them together. These are probably some of his "failed" experiments.

Doesn't matter, they're close enough to be Undead for you.