Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Alpha Wolf

Damn straight! That's what you're here for!

You take out the nearest pile of shit with ease and your pack follows suit. They're a little tougher than you thought, but limbs are flying everywhere. Needless to say you're really enjoying yourself, and you can see your pack is too. (Well the ones that haven't gotten themselves killed)

You attack one large experiment with four arms, it catches a few heavy hits on you, before you rip them off. It's relentless and begins smashing its head (Which contains a lot of jagged metal bits) into you, knocking you down. As you shake it off, Ginger (Who's now in wolf form) and a couple of other wolflings comes to your aid and finish off the large abomination.

"Godammit! I had that! Don't EVER come to help me! I can handle myself!" you snarl angrily.
"We were just helping…" Ginger says casting her eyes downward and lowering her ears.

"…yeah…well…just don't let it happen again…" you say understanding they weren't really trying to embarrass you. "Come on, we're done here, let's get in the castle."

You meet up with the ones remaining in your pack at the front door of the castle. You put all your muscle into it and rip the doors of their hinges. When you step inside, you narrowly dodge a laser beam of some sort.

"He's got the whole place trapped, be careful where you…"

A wolfling steps on some floor stone that releases yet another beam trap, reducing him to ashes.

"Step." You say completing the sentence. That's when you hear a loud speaker.

"Wolf! Igor informed me you had arrived with some friends! I'm actually glad you're here I get to test out my new experiment on you! Assuming you survive long enough to get to me of course!"

At this point he does his typical Mad Scientist laugh. If he thinks you're going to waste your time in his castle of death traps he's sadly mistaken. He seems to have forgotten you have an excellent sense of smell and tracking in general.

Of course the smell of dead bodies seems to be emanating everywhere. You try to sniff out a human scent, but you aren't getting anything solid. The dead body smell is too overpowering. You're catching a couple of different ones though. One of them is a very faint sweet smell. The other is a burning type smell.
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