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You walk out of the kitchen, resigning yourself to endure your internal torment for the sake of your family. You've hurt them enough already.

Months pass by and you leave the dim house as rarely as possible, wallowing in the depths of your depression and enduring it all with as much strength as you can manage.

One day you step outside in the sun, something you generally avoid. You walk through your backyard, looking around and doing your best to relax in the warmth.

As you are walking you come upon a little bird at the base of a tree that appears to be injured. It chirps a little here and there and looks up at you imploringly with its beady black eyes.

Looking down upon it you want to crush its fucking skull. It has fallen from its nest and probably destroyed whatever unity its family once held. This stupid little bird. It doesn't deserve to live. It doesn't deserve to breathe.

You raise your foot above its head and prepare to stomp your foot down upon it.