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You decide to dismiss the Marine Recruiter's invitation and walk into the Army Recruiter's Office. Behind the large wooden desk pasted with "Go Army", Army of One!" stickers, sits a large black man dressed in green camouflage.

"Come on in young man." greets the Army Sergeant, "I'm Staff Sergeant Johnson. So what brings you by my office?"

You go to explain how you have just graduated high school and are at a time in your life where you need to make an important decision on where you go and what you do from here on out. You go on to tell the Staff Sergeant that you had plans on going to college, but your family finances won't be enough.

The Staff Sergeant slides a red pamphlet over to you. "Young man, if college is what you really want to do, the army can help out."

You open the pamphlet and read about the G.I. Bill which gives you money to attend college after your service is up. after giving good thought to coming out of boot camp and attending college, you know you will have no problem supporting your family. The Staff Sergeant goes onto explain that you will be able to send home money during your training and even when you are deployed elsewhere.

"Staff Sergeant, I like what the Army has to offer I need something like this to grow my life into becoming a man and help me get to college." you tell the Staff Sergeant as he opens up a yellow folder packed with papers.

After signing several papers you officially join the Army as an Airborne Ranger. Your boot camp begins in two months. On the way home you wonder if you had made a smart decision. You think about how you will be away from your family, but the Staff Sergeant had said you will be able to mail home money to your family to help out, and when you come out you will attend college and get a job making a lot of money to help out the family.