Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.


Panicked by the scent of the blood, and the knowledge of the fact that you're a murderer, you turn round, and run towards the edge of the forest. Your breath comes in violent gasps as you try to get away from the terrible sight behind you.

-It couldn't be... Could it?!- Your girlfriend had brown hair. But then, what was she doing around you when you transformed?

Everything's jumbled up inside your mind. You're having difficulty remembering what happened last night.

Finally, after what seems like a lifetime, you get to the edge of the forest. A short distance away, you can see the edge of the town you live in. How could you have got so far away from it? Usually, you are able to lock yourself in the basement - as powerful as your wolf form is, it is unable to unlock a door.

If only you could remember what happened to make you so careless...

So, for the moment, one choice remains to you. Are you going to turn yourself in to the police and hope that they'll go easy on you, or are you just going to flee so that you are unable to harm anyone ever again.

What's it going to be?

You have 2 choices: