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Loose Ends

There are 15 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
64236 Try to attack him? 31540
64264 Go with Mryar? 31561
64266 Leap at the man? 31562
64267 Try and force yourself into your human form, and then attack the man? 31562
64268 A 1, 4, or a 6? 31563
64269 A 2, 3, or a 5? 31563
64270 Stay and listen to the man? 31564
118625 I would have died if I hadn't gone into battle mode. Wash some blood on your arm and roll your sleeve back over it. 59760
118626 I never want to resort to doing that again. Leave the carnage and push forward. 59760
118627 Nevermind this, I need to just attack them. 59761
118628 Keep bluffing. 59761
118629 Beg them not to hurt you. 59761
118632 I'm through with this nonsense. Go to the police. 59763
118633 He sorta kinda makes sense... In a strange way... I think I'll go with him. 59763
118634 Press him to turn the car into a horse as proof. 59763