Final Quest Version 2

The woman's words have worried you, and, try as you might, you cannot quite escape the feeling of doubt that they have caused.

Looking around, you catch sight of a scruffy boy nearby, who looks like he might be a stable-boy. You make your way over to him, and hand him the reins of the two horses. "Take these two horses to the stables," you order, tossing him a few coins.

The boy catches the coins in a grubby fist, and quickly bows to you. "Yes, ma'am." He then turns and scampers off in the direction of some stables.

Troubled, you hesitate, wondering if you are making the wrong decision. Surely, what you are thinking of doing is treason?

However, your feelings scream at you to, at the very least, find out that the woman was lying. You slowly make your way in the direction of the castle, ducking to the side in an attempt to avoid being seen by any guards.

Roll one dice.

Is the result...