Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Paco Valdez


With all the force you can muster, you drive your head backwards to connect with the Vigilantes face with a sickening crunch. His arm goes immediatley lax and he falls from the back of your horse to land in a crumpled heap behind you.

You gallop off into the destert riding hard and constantly looking over your shooulder with the fear of being followed predominant in your mind. You are constantly surprised to see that no one is behind you.

After a few hours you slow the horse down to a trot and fan your face with your hat. The desert heat seers down on you from above. If only you had water...

You look around the barren landscape and futiley attempt to conquer the overwhelming fear that you are lost. Lost in the desert with no water. Part of you hopes that someone will come along by chance and find you, while part of you prays that you are never found.

You come to a small outcropping of rocks and dismount your horse there so that the two of you can take comfort in the shade. You sit there attempting to relax, attempting to block your fears of dying out here in the middle of the desert from your mind.

Some time passes, you're not exactly sure how much. In the distance you hear the steady hoofbeat of horses headed your way. Sounds like two or three, you're not exactly sure. If Annie were here she could tell you exactly how many and the exact breeds of horse they're riding.

But Annie is not here. Are you going to stay where you are and hope that these men are not Vigilantes, or ride away on your mount to the middle of the desert while you still have a chance of escaping?