Final Quest Version 2

You find your white horse, Star, grazing a short distance away from the garden. You step up to her, and gently stroke her nose, murmuring softly to her.

Star stops grazing to neigh and nudge gently at your shoulder. You pat her neck lightly. "Yes, Star, we're going to have to start travelling again," you tell her, as though she is able to understand you. "It appears that our time of peace is at an end."

Star stands patiently as you saddle and then mount her. You then trot over to the messenger's horse.

As though able to sense what you want, the other horse trots up to stand close to you and Star. It's a well-trained one, but then, all of the King's horses are.

You kick Star lightly in the sides, and start trotting off, knowing that the other horse will follow.

You have 1 choice: