Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.


As your body is still (sort of) on Earth time vice Blue time, you find you have slept late by the time you awake. The denizens of the cottage who would have been in the fields by now have stayed behind out of fear that if you are not well taken care of before you (hopefully) leave this morning, that you will surely bring a terrible curse upon their home.

The Dad cowers away from you at the door to his cottage, standing aside like a whimpering dog. You sneer at him and the girls, making sure to give the eldest daughter an adulterously evil grin, which makes her shudder involuntarily. You begin to take the reins of the man's mare as a defiant gesture, leaving them with next to nothing. It is then that you remember that you hardly ever ride and that the horse would likely be more of a hindrance than a help, not to mention making your evil exit turn into clownish buffoonery. You leave the horse - lucky them. As you leave the cottage behind, you can't be sure but you think you hear a simultaneous sigh escape the lips of the entire family. A convenient path winds its way North away from the cottage, so you decide to follow it.

After about a 20-minute walk, you come to a fork in the road. There is a sign which points down the Eastern fork that you use your power of Tongues to translate (It simply reads, "Theopolis".), and then there is another path which leads Northeast.

If you want the chance to be good or perhaps just wreak more havoc, Theopolis might be the place to go. On the other hand, no one knows you've been to the poor cottage in your Southern past but YOU, and you could still be whatever you choose - making the Northeast path a viable option as well.