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"Fucking kill you." You say through the pain, barely above a whisper.

The kid backs off. "Hey I think he said something," He says to his friend, "What the hell did you say?"

"Fucking kill you!!" You repeat in a scream of rage. "I'll kill you're whole fucking family if you ever tell anyone about this!! Do you want that, little boy?!? Is that what you want?!? I'll fucking murder the lot of them!!" The boys have backed away from you, wide eyed and more than a little frightened. The words came from somewhere long forgotten inside of you, dug up from where you had buried them so deep.

They run from you as though you were a rabid beast which could have killed them. You realized later that you not only could have, but would have if they had stuck around.

Tears stream down your face as your mind goes to the dark place where everything happened. Mikey is there he hugs you and shushes your tears. You struggle against his embrace at first, not realizing that it was him. You sob heavily, crying tears that have been locked inside you for over four years.

This release helped. You still have a lot of healing to do, and you're certain things will never be the way they were, but you are starting to heal.

You begin talking again, to your family mostly and a little at school. Mikey becomes a good friend of yours, always looking out for you. Paul is good to you too. He leaves for college when he graduates high school a year later.

One day Mikey and you are talking, discussing matters of a trivial nature. He seems unusually depressed today. He's often goes through fits of depression, but today seems worse than any other.